
A super cool registration program thing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WASMUN Registration Website (2017)


  1. Overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Development
  5. Registration Class Diagram


Yet another pretty Angular project for the non-profit, Washington State Model United Nations (WASMUN). This application will integrate with Google Spreadsheets and allow high schools to register for the 2017 conference.

Technologies Used

Package Managers: NodeJS, Bower

Minifiers: gulp (concat, uglify, imagemin)

Framework: AngularJS

CSS: Angular-Strap

Fonts: Font Awesome


  • Node (v4.6.0)
  • NPM (v2.15.9)
  • Bower (1.8.0)
  • Gulp (v3.9.1)


  1. Clone the repository to your desired folder.
  2. Execute npm install.
  3. Execute npm run bower install.
  4. Execute tests.
    • Karma (Angular): Execute npm run karma
    • Mocha (NodeJS): Execute npm run mocha
  5. Decide if you are running development or production.
    • DEVELOPMENT: Execute npm run gulp or NODE_ENV=development npm run gulp
      • Development merely copies over the files. This makes debugging easy.
    • PRODUCTION: Execute NODE_ENV=production npm run gulp
      • Production minifies all the files and condenses them down as much as possible. Debuggins is very tricky.
  6. Run a server (if you already have one, ignore this step).
    • Python
      • Navigate to the /public directory
      • Execute python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  7. Open up /public/index.html
    • Python
      • Navigate to in your browser.
    • WebStorm
      • Open the /public directory, right click, and open in your desired web browser
  8. ???
  9. 💸



Registration Class Diagram

UML Diagram