bidding 🎉 🔋 📈 🤘

Business Logic

How to run it 1 - dependencies: mongo, npm (6.12.1), node (v13.1.0) installed locally 2 - download the repo locally
3 Go to "server" folder - cd server (from console or from visual code console or from webpack console)

  • npm install
  • npm run start or npm start (is stating the nodemon for dev environment , for production I remove the nodemon library ) (docker is missing because I run out of space on my actual computer on drive C ) The app is running on http://localhost:7000/api/{name}

4 Go to client folder - cd client from a new console

  • npm install
  • npm start

The app is running on http://localhost:3000

The following logic closely mirrors that of our production system. Depending on which track you take, some of it may not be relevant, so feel free to skim this part on first read.

The test platform allows buyers (system operators) to advertise competitions for procuring energy from sellers (flex providers). Sellers can then submit bids against competitions.

The following relations are in place:

  • a buyer has many competitions
  • a competition has many bids
  • a seller has many bids

A bid is successful if the following is true:

  • its offered_capacity is equal to or greater than than the competition's minimum_capacity
  • its accepted state is true
  • its associated seller's verified state is true
  • it was created within the associated competition's open and closed dates

A competition has the following states:

  • pending when the competition's open and closed date/times are in the future
  • open when the open value is in the past, but closed is in the future
  • closed when open and closed are in the past

Assume competitions' open / closed date/times are always sequential

Capacity values use MW units

Dummy data from backend buyers, sellers, competitions and bids microservices can be found in the data folder.