Hello, Welcome to Extended Mind. 
This project was impart inspired by Alfred Gell's anthropological theory found in his book, Art & Agency. Essentially, he proposed that the creative and productive work of artists spanned more than a one-way timeline and really took on a x & y dimensional status. While this project does not break down agency and forms, It does bring the idea of dimenstionality to a typical timeline view of an artists output. 

Requirements to Run: 
APIs & Authorization:
- Spotify API (Client Authorization & Secret)
- Spotipy - Python Library for Spotify API calls 
- Pitchfork API - no-credentials needs, just the library download 
- Beautiful Soup - Required by Pitchfork API 

- sys
- os 
- Plotly
- requests
- sqlite3 
- lxml
- flask 

Interaction Specs:
- Download and install necessary Libraries.
- Acquire Access to Spotify API and save them in a separate py file in the same folder called 'secrets.py' 
- Run 'ExtendedMind02.py'
- You will be prompted to open the flask applicaiton in the dev server 
- Follow the prompts for inputting artist terms. 
- Play around with the 'place' or color options for the result page. 
- Choose an information return: Album Reviews, Artist Info, Album Visualization or Summary. 
- Rinse & Repeat. 
- See your most - searched term at the bottom of the '/' page.

Thank you. See you soon.