
Kurtosis is a platform for orchestrating distributed system environments, allowing easy creation and manipulation of stage-appropriate deployments across the early stages of the development cycle (prototyping, testing).

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Kurtosis is a development platform for distributed applications that aims to provide a consistent experience across all stages of distributed app software delivery.

Use cases for Kurtosis include:

  • Running a third-party distributed app, without knowing how to set it up
  • Local prototyping & development on distributed apps
  • Writing integration and end-to-end distributed app tests (e.g. happy path & sad path tests, load tests, performance tests, etc.)
  • Running integration/E2E distributed app tests
  • Debugging distributed apps during development

Why Kurtosis?

Docker and Kubernetes are each great at serving developers in different parts of the development cycle: Docker for development/testing, Kubernetes for production. However, the separation between the two entails different distributed app definitions, and different tooling. In dev/test, this means Docker Compose and Docker observability tooling. In production, this means Helm definitions and manually-configured observability tools like Istio, Datadog, or Honeycomb.

Kurtosis aims at one level of abstraction higher. Developers can define their distributed applications in Kurtosis, and Kurtosis will handle:

  • Running on Docker or Kubernetes
  • Reproduceability
  • Safety
  • Port-forwarding & local development hookups
  • Observability
  • Sharing

If we succeed in our vision, you will be able to use the same distributed application definition from local dev all the way to prod.

To start using Kurtosis


Docker must be installed and running on your machine:

docker version

If it's not, follow the instructions from the Docker docs.

Installing Kurtosis

On MacOS:

brew install kurtosis-tech/tap/kurtosis-cli

On Linux (apt):

echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.fury.io/kurtosis-tech/ /" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kurtosis.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install kurtosis-cli

On Linux (yum):

echo '[kurtosis]
gpgcheck=0' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/kurtosis.repo
sudo yum install kurtosis-cli


First of all we can create a simple Starlark script to spin up multiple replicas of httpd:

cat > script.star << EOF
def run(plan, args):
    configs = {}
    for i in range(args.replica_count):
          config = ServiceConfig(
              image = "httpd",
              ports = {
                  "http": PortSpec(number = 8080),

Running the script gives us an enclave with three services:

kurtosis run script.star '{"replica_count": 3}'
INFO[2023-02-10T13:32:32-03:00] Creating a new enclave for Starlark to run inside...
INFO[2023-02-10T13:32:37-03:00] Enclave 'misty-bird' created successfully

> add_service service_name="httpd-replica-0" config=ServiceConfig(image="httpd", ports={"http": PortSpec(number=8080, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol="")})
Service 'httpd-replica-0' added with service UUID 'a05405bfe100475fa52883c71bd899e6'

> add_service service_name="httpd-replica-1" config=ServiceConfig(image="httpd", ports={"http": PortSpec(number=8080, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol="")})
Service 'httpd-replica-1' added with service UUID 'cc871310223c4bc7a539a6c93a8e33ea'

> add_service service_name="httpd-replica-2" config=ServiceConfig(image="httpd", ports={"http": PortSpec(number=8080, transport_protocol="TCP", application_protocol="")})
Service 'httpd-replica-2' added with service UUID 'dcfd1fb7a94e4e8e8a55c715f7f09b04'
Starlark code successfully run. No output was returned.
INFO[2023-02-10T13:32:53-03:00] ===================================================
INFO[2023-02-10T13:32:53-03:00] ||          Created enclave: misty-bird          ||
INFO[2023-02-10T13:32:53-03:00] ===================================================

That can be inspected by running

kurtosis enclave inspect misty-bird
UUID:                                 eeb28363fc53
Enclave Name:                         misty-bird
Enclave Status:                       RUNNING
Creation Time:                        Fri, 10 Feb 2023 13:32:32 -03
API Container Status:                 RUNNING
API Container Host GRPC Port:
API Container Host GRPC Proxy Port:

========================================== User Services ==========================================
UUID           Name              Ports                               Status
a05405bfe100   httpd-replica-0   http: 8080/tcp ->   RUNNING
cc871310223c   httpd-replica-1   http: 8080/tcp ->   RUNNING
dcfd1fb7a94e   httpd-replica-2   http: 8080/tcp ->   RUNNING

More examples

See our documentation on https://docs.kurtosis.com.

To start contributing to Kurtosis

See our CONTRIBUTING file.

Repository Structure

This repository is structured as a monorepo, containing the following projects:

  • container-engine-lib: Library used to abstract away container engine being used by the enclave.
  • core: Container launched inside an enclave to coordinate its state
  • engine: Container launched to coordinate enclaves
  • api: Defines the API of the Kurtosis platform (engine and core)
  • cli: Produces CLI binary, allowing iteraction with the Kurtosis system
  • docs: Documentation that is published to docs.kurtosis.com
  • internal_testsuites: End to end tests


To build Kurtosis, you must the following dependencies installed:

  • Bash (5 or above) + Git

On MacOS:

# Install modern version of bash, the one that ships on MacOS is too old
brew install bash
# Allow it as shell
echo "${BREW_PREFIX}/bin/bash" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
# Optional: make bash your default shell
chsh -s "${BREW_PREFIX}/bin/bash"
# Install modern version of git, the one that ships on MacOS is too old
brew install git
  • Docker

On MacOS:

brew install docker
  • Go (1.18 or above)

On MacOS:

brew install go@1.18
  • Goreleaser

On MacOS:

brew install goreleaser/tap/goreleaser
  • Node (16.14 or above) and Yarn

On MacOS, using NVM:

brew install nvm
mkdir ~/.nvm
nvm install 16.14.0
npm install -g yarn
  • Go and Typescript protobuf compiler binaries

On MacOS:

brew install protoc-gen-go
brew install protoc-gen-go-grpc
brew install protoc-gen-grpc-web
npm install -g ts-protoc-gen
npm install -g grpc-tools
  • Musl

On MacOS:

brew install filosottile/musl-cross/musl-cross

Unit Test Instructions

For all Go modules, run go test ./... on the module folder. For example:

$ cd cli/cli/
$ go test ./...

Build Instructions

To build the entire project, run:

$ ./script/build.sh

To only build a specific project, run the script on ./PROJECT/PATH/script/build.sh, for example:

$ ./container-engine-lib/build.sh
$ ./core/scripts/build.sh
$ ./api/scripts/build.sh
$ ./engine/scripts/build.sh
$ ./cli/scripts/build.sh

If there are any changes to Protobuf files in api, the bindings must be regenerated:

$ ./api/scripts/regenerate-protobuf-bindings.sh

Build scripts also run unit tests as part of the build proccess

E2E Test Instructions

Each project's build script also runs the unit tests inside the project. Running ./script/build.sh will guarantee that all unit tests in the monorepo pass.

To run the end to end tests:

  1. Make sure Docker is running
$ docker --version
Docker version X.Y.Z
  1. Make sure Kurtosis Engine is running
$ kurtosis engine status
A Kurtosis engine is running with the following info:
Version:   0.X.Y
  1. Run test.sh script
$ ./internal_testsuites/scripts/test.sh

If you are developing the Typescript test, make sure that you have first built api/typescript. Any changes made to the Typescript package within api/typescript aren't hot loaded as of 2022-09-29.

Run Instructions

To interact with the built CLI, run ./cli/cli/scripts/launch_cli.sh as if it was the kurtosis command:

$ ./cli/cli/scripts/launch_cli.sh enclave add

If you want tab completion on the recently built CLI, you can alias it to kurtosis:

$ alias kurtosis="$(pwd)/cli/cli/scripts/launch_cli.sh"
$ kurtosis enclave add

Questions, help, or feedback

If you have feedback for us or a question around how Kurtosis works and the docs aren't enough, we're more than happy to help and chat about your use case via the following ways: