
Todo-List Plugin for Symfony Framework

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# sfTodoPlugin #

Add a simple list of tasks easily with this plugin.

Like it? Contribute!
Follow/Fork the project at github: https://github.com/marciotoze/sfTodoPlugin

## Installation ##

  * Install the plugin (via a package)

        symfony plugin:install sfTodoPlugin

  * Install the plugin (via a Subversion checkout)
  * Activate the plugin
        class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
          public function setup()

  * Rebuild your model

        symfony doctrine:build-model
        symfony doctrine:build-sql

  * Update you database tables by starting from scratch (it will delete all
    the existing tables, then re-create them):

        symfony doctrine:insert-sql

  * Load default fixture (Optional, but recommended)

        symfony doctrine:data-load frontend # replace frontend with the name of one of your application

    or do everything with one command

        symfony doctrine-build-all-reload frontend # replace frontend with the name of one of your application

  * Enable module in your `settings.yml`
            enabled_modules:      [default, todo, ...]

  * Clear you cache

        symfony cc

  * Finally add the component into `layout template` or `module template` you want

        <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
            <?php include_http_metas() ?>
            <?php include_metas() ?>
            <?php include_title() ?>
            <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
            <?php include_stylesheets() ?>
            <?php include_javascripts() ?>
            <?php echo $sf_content ?>

            <?php include_component('todo', 'index') ?> #


## Configuration ##

  * Pre-formated theme

    You can remove a pre-formated layout of Todo-List just by setting the parameter formated to false in `plugins/sfTodoPlugin/config/app.yml`

            formated: false                       #if true, the component will load a css to pre-format the Todo-List

  * Integration with sfDoctrineGuardPlugin

    You can integrate Todo-List with sfDoctrineGuardPlugin setting the parameter use_sf_doctrine_guard to true in `plugins/sfTodoPlugin/config/app.yml`

            use_sf_doctrine_guard: true         #if true, each guard user will see one Todo-List, but the list will only work with authenticated user.

    * fixing the integration (Optional, but recommended)

    if you are using the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin integration then you should fix a database relation by adding the following lines in `plugin/config/schema.yml`

              filter: false
            Timestampable: ~
            name:                           { type: string(255) }
            sf_guard_user_id:               { type: integer }
            priority_id:                    { type: integer, notnull: true }
            status:                         { type: boolean, default: true }
            Priority:                       { local: priority_id, foreign: id, foreignAlias: Users, onDelete: CASCADE }
            sfGuardUser:                    #Fixing relationship

            name:                           { type: string(255), notnull: true }
              filter: false
      regenerate the database and you'll be ok. :)