
a javascript collage maker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Collage Maker

A Javascript learning project.


Goals for this project:

This list is evolving with time...

  • Get better at Javascript
  • Design and build an application that uses images, text and shapes to create pleasing compositions in a collage-like form.
  • Learn how to use XML HTTP Requests to query an external data source, in this case an image API hosted by a 3rd party, and retrieve images based on user keyword input.
    • Take user input and do something useful.
  • Generate SVG shapes randomly.
  • Utilize SVG masking functionality.
  • Use ES 6 modules.
  • Leverage npm in a useful way

Run the application:

  1. Clone the repo,
  2. This project uses SASS, so make sure it is available
  3. Make sure you have a recent version of node (10.14.2)
  4. Run npm install
  5. Then npm run dev

Change Log:


  • Removed redundant code
  • added a utlils.js file for functions that are widely used or do repetitive tasks
  • fixing up files for better readability and removing commented out code
  • left some commented console log, b/c I'm still a little unclear about functionality, so I might want to return them later


  • Added a proper README.md
  • update to package.json: running npm start sets up browser sync and starts sass watching as well...
  • added in functionality to generate shapes (mostly triangles using polygon)
  • figured out how to make my xhr function generic and therefore be able to get more than one image at time.


  • created this project
  • wrestled w/ many of the subjects raised in the goals section
  • dynamic circle generation
  • sorted out how to use the masking functionality in svgs
  • set up browser-sync for development
  • a whole boatload of experiments, falling down rabbit holes, despair, frustration, jubilation, wandering down blind alleys and general good times...