
Project for world robot olympiads.

Our Treatment robot's effects on Alzheimer's treatment

New York Langone health university and Azhel technologies present Official Alzheimer's treatment robot skills,and effects on Alzheimer people treatment 1. Lowering stress: stress control is important on alzheimer treatment. Patient's uncontrolable stress may going to make treatment hard, also long. Thats why our robot is powered by speakers for music depends on patient's music taste. With microphone feature patient can listen music that he/she likes. Also from the developer tools it is manual controllable to change music, playlist, podcast. This function allows to have easy nerved patient. Easy nerved patient means easy to feed meals, medicines, also satisfied to taking a small shower. 2. Social Interaction and an Active Mind: social interaction is important for defeating dementia. Our robot's health ruitine is 70% remedy for get rid of this. Everyday starts with telling information about patient's personal details and family. After this we have daily news and classic italian music.(it can be change for patients music taste). Then small exercises for anti-obesity and breakfast. Everyday repeating this ruitine keeps mind's of alzheimers active. Every good start of the day we can speed up the process of progression. 3. Healthy Sleep:Sleep is our body’s way of resetting. Proper restful sleep allows our body and brain the time needed to restore balance to our systems. This helps reduce dementia and Alzheimer’s. Our treatment robot's solve for this problem is controllable room supplys. Alzheimer treatment robot also provided with amazon Iot api, which helpful for controlling smart home devices. At the end of the day, room of patient's lights are going to turned off sleeping music playlists are going to play in the room for having a good sleep for patient. Controllable room makes some more adventages for treatment too. We can evertime watch smart camera via our alzheimer robot. If its there problem about patient, nurse can immediately interfence. 4. Music: music and retro audios are important in treatment for reminding patient's past life. Also in our robot, and our treatment program we attracted to usage of music in alzheimer's treatment. At the developer options of robot we have the area that it is possible to selection of music taste and musics that going to be played for daily ruitines. Musics are often depend on patients, and ussualy musics are choosing by family. The choosed musics had to be the patient's favorite musics in his past life. This musics are going to remind the past days, actions. 5. Pre-social, alternative projects: also we have alternative projects for people who have dementia and alzheimer. First alternative project is alzheimer's robot pet. This alternative project is designed for alzheimer's parks and pre�socialing alzheimer people to keep their minds active. In the project we going to have location tracker, iron cane, and smart asistant module. The main cause of this alternative project is to preparing alzheimer people to social life. Second project is machine learning based alzheimer prediction code, robot. This robot is designed only for hospitals, health medication programs, and self care of yourself.

NYU med. inc 2022

Authors: Eljan Guluyev, Narges Razavian etc