Simple Chart

A library to create simple chart without dependencies.


  • Author in ES2015 (even the unit tests)
  • Export as ES5 & UMD
  • Mocha-Chai-Sinon testing stack

How to use

Look at example folder. Also, in dist folder look at docs generated with ESDoc

Gulp tasks

  • gulp - Lint the library and tests, then run the unit tests
  • gulp build - Lint then build the library
  • gulp watch - Continuously run the unit tests as you make changes to the source and test files themselves
  • gulp test-browser - Build the library for use with the browser spec runner. Changes to the source will cause the runner to automatically refresh.

Browser Tests

The browser spec runner can be opened in a browser to run your tests. For it to work, you must first run gulp test-browser. This will set up a watch task that will automatically refresh the tests when your scripts, or the tests, change.


I use ESLint and JSCS to lint source.