
This repository serves as a personal collection of solutions to LeetCode problems. The aim is to provide clear, efficient solutions and to track progress over time. The problems are categorized by difficulty level, and each solution is written with readability and best practices in mind.

Primary LanguagePython

Badge 1

This repository contains solutions to various LeetCode problems, implemented in Python.

My Badges

(LATEST) Aug 2024 Leetcoding Challange
Badge 4
100 Days Badge 2024
Badge 4
Jul 2024 Leedcoding Challange
Badge 3
50 Days 2024
Badge 2
Jun 2024 Leetcoding Challenge
Badge 1

My LeetCode Profile

Check out my LeetCode profile for more details and statistics.


The repository is organized into folders based on the difficulty level of the problems:

  • 1. Easy
  • 2. Medium
  • 3. Hard
  • Contests (for solutions to LeetCode contest problems)

Example Directory Structure

├── 1. Easy/
│   ├── Month 1/
|       ├── Week 1/
            ├── problem1/
                ├── problem1.py
                ├── problem1.md
                └── problem1.png
            ├── problem2.py
        ├── Week 2/
        └── ...
│   ├── Month 2/
│   └── ...
├── 2. Medium/
│   ├── Month 1/
│   ├── Month 2/
│   └── ...
├── 3. Hard/
│   ├── Month 1/
│   ├── Month 2/
│   └── ...
└── Contests/
    ├── Contest1
        ├── problem1.py
        ├── problem2.py
        └── ...
    ├── Contest2
    └── ...


Feel free to browse the solutions and learn from them. Each file is named according to the problem number and title for easy reference.


  • Categorize problems by month and week
    • Easy
    • Medium
    • Hard
  • Finish and push attachements


For any questions you can message me on my LinkedIn