
The receiver part of Topcoder-X, containing the webhook handlers for Github and Gitlab

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Install dependencies

npm install

Source code lint

eslint is used to lint the javascript source code:

npm run lint


  • POST /webhooks/github - The webhook handler for github
  • POST /webhooks/gitlab - The webhook handler for gitlab


See "configuration.md"

config/local.js will not tracked by git.

Local Setup

npm start

Server should be started at port 3002.

use ngrok to make your local deploy accessible by internet:

ngrok http 3002

Setup for verification

Before verifying the tool, 3 service needs be configured and run them

  • processor
  • receiver
  • Topcoder X

Go to Topcoder X UI login with above used topcoder username and

  • go to settings and make sure git hosts are correctly setup, if not click setup and authorize to setup.

  • Go to Topcoder X UI and go to project management and add a project from git account and click save, and edit the same project and click 'Add Webhooks' button, verify that webhooks are set up correctly on git host's project.

Now, receiver service can receive the webhooks from git host's project. Now you can verify this service by following the verfication steps below

GitHub Verification

  • create an issue in the repo, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.created event is generated.
  • update an issue in the repo, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.updated event is generated.
  • create a comment on an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the comment.created event is generated.
  • update a comment on an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the comment.updated event is generated.
  • assigned a user to an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.assigned event is generated.
  • un-assigned a user to an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.unassigned event is generated.
  • add/remove a label to an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.labelUpdated event is generated.
  • create a pull request, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the pull_request.created event is generated.
  • close a pull request without merge, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the pull_request.closed event is generated and the merged property is false.
  • merge a pull request, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the pull_request.closed event is generated and the merged property is true.
  • close an issue in the repo, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.closed event is generated

Gitlab Verification

  • create an issue in the repo, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.created event is generated.
  • update an issue in the repo, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.updated event is generated.
  • create a comment on an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the comment.created event is generated.
  • assigned a user to an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.assigned event is generated.
  • un-assigned a user to an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.unassigned event is generated.
  • add/remove a label to an issue, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.labelUpdated event is generated.
  • create a pull request, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the pull_request.created event is generated.
  • close a pull request without merge, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the pull_request.closed event is generated and the merged property is false.
  • merge a pull request, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the pull_request.closed event is generated and the merged property is true.
  • close an issue in the repo, you can see the logs in receiver and processor, the issue.closed event is generated