Open-source code for the paper "Enhancing Remote Sensing Vision-Language Models for Zero-Shot Scene Classification"

Primary LanguagePython

RS-TransCLIP πŸŒπŸ›°οΈ

Welcome to the GitHub repository for Enhancing Remote Sensing Vision-Language Models for Zero-Shot Scene Classification.


K. El Khoury*, M. Zanella*, B. GΓ©rin*, T. Godelaine*, B. Macq, S. Mahmoudi, C. De Vleeschouwer, I. Ben Ayed

*Denotes equal contribution

We introduce RS-TransCLIP, a transductive approach inspired from TransCLIP, that enhances Remote Sensing Vison-Language Models without requiring any labels, only incurring a negligible computational cost to the overall inference time.

RS-TransCLIP results
Figure 1: Top-1 accuracy of RS-TransCLIP, on ViT-L/14 Remote Sensing Vision-Language Models, for zero-shot scene classification across 10 benchmark datasets.

Contents πŸ“‘

Setup πŸ”§

NB: the Python version used is 3.10.12.

Create a virtual environment and activate it:

# Example using the virtualenv package on linux
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv RS-TransCLIP-venv
source RS-TransCLIP-venv/bin/activate.csh

Install Pytorch:

pip3 install torch==2.2.2 torchaudio==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2

Clone GitHub and move to the appropriate directory:

git clone https://github.com/elkhouryk/RS-TransCLIP
cd RS-TransCLIP

Install the remaining Python packages requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You are ready to start! πŸŽ‰

Datasets πŸ—‚οΈ

10 Remote Sensing Scene Classification datasets are already available for evaluation:

  • The WHURS19 dataset is already uploaded to the repository for reference and can be used directly.

  • The following 7 datasets (AID, EuroSAT, OPTIMAL31, PatternNet, RESISC45, RSC11, RSICB256) will be automatically downloaded and formatted from Hugging Face using the run_dataset_download.py script.

# <dataset_name> can take the following values: AID, EuroSAT, OPTIMAL31, PatternNet, RESISC45, RSC11, RSICB256
python3 run_dataset_download.py --dataset_name <dataset_name> 

Dataset directory structure should be as follows:

└── <dataset_name>/
  └── classes.txt
  └── class_changes.txt
  └── images/
    └── <classname>_<id>.jpg
    └── ...
  • You must download the MLRSNet and RSICB128 datasets manually from Kaggle and place them in '/datasets/' directory. You can format them manually to follow the dataset directory structure listed above and use them for evaluation OR you can use the run_dataset_formatting.py script by placing the .zip files from Kaggle in the '/datasets/' directory.
# <dataset_name> can take the following values: MLRSNet, RSICB128
python3 run_dataset_formatting.py --dataset_name <dataset_name> 
  • Download links: RSICB128 | MLRSNet --- NB: On the Kaggle website, click on the download Arrow in the center of the page instead of the Download button to preserve the data structure needed to use the run_dataset_formatting.py_ script (check figure bellow).



  • The class_changes.txt file inserts a space between combined class names. For example, the class name "railwaystation" becomes "railway station." This change is applied consistently across all datasets.
  • The WHURS19 dataset is already uploaded to the repository for reference.

User Manual πŸ“˜

Running RS-TransCLIP consist of three major steps:

We consider 10 scene classification datasets (AID, EuroSAT, MLRSNet, OPTIMAL31, PatternNet, RESISC45, RSC11, RSICB128, RSICB256, WHURS19), 4 VLM models (CLIP, GeoRSCLIP, RemoteCLIP, SkyCLIP50) and 4 model architectures (RN50, ViT-B-32, ViT-L-14, ViT-H-14) for our experiments.

Generating Image and Text Embeddings πŸ–ΌοΈπŸ“„

To generate Image embeddings for each dataset/VLM/architecture trio:

python3 run_featuregeneration.py --image_fg

To generate Text embeddings for each dataset/VLM/architecture trio:

python3 run_featuregeneration.py --text_fg

All results for each dataset/VLM/architecture trio will be stored as follows:

└── <dataset_name>/
  └── <model_name>
    └── <model_architecture>
      └── images.pt
      └── classes.pt
      └── texts_<prompt1>.pt
      └── ....
      └── texts_<prompt106>.pt


  • Text embeddings will generate 106 individual text embeddings for each VLM/dataset combination, the exhaustive list of all text prompts can be found in run_featuregeneration.py.
  • When generating Image embeddings, the run_featuregeneration.py script will also generate the ground truth labels and store them in "classes.pt". These labels will be used for evaluation.
  • Please refer to run_featuregeneration.py to control all the respective arguments.
  • The embeddings for the WHURS19 dataset are already uploaded to the repository for reference.

Generating the Average Text Embedding βš–οΈπŸ“„

To generate the Average Text embedding each dataset/VLM/architecture trio:

python3 run_averageprompt.py


  • The run_averageprompt.py script will average out all embeddings with the following name structure "texts_*.pt" for each dataset/VLM/architecture trio and create a file called "texts_averageprompt.pt".
  • The Average Text embeddings for the WHURS19 dataset are already uploaded to the repository for reference.

Running Transductive Zero-Shot Classification βš™οΈπŸš€

To run Transductive zero-shot classification using RS-TransCLIP:

python3 run_TransCLIP.py


  • The run_TransCLIP.py script will use the Image embeddings "images.pt", the Average Text embedding "texts_averageprompt.pt" and the class ground truth labels "classes.pt" to run Transductive zero-shot classification using RS-TransCLIP.
  • The run_TransCLIP.py script will also generate the Inductive zero-shot classification for performance comparison.
  • Both Inductive and Transductive results will be stored in "results/results_averageprompt.csv".
  • The results for the WHURS19 dataset are already uploaded to the repository for reference.

RS-TransCLIP results table
Table 1: Top-1 accuracy for zero-shot scene classification without (white) and with (blue) RS-TransCLIP on 10 RS datasets.

Citations πŸ“š

Support our work by citing our paper if you use this repository:

title={Enhancing Remote Sensing Vision-Language Models for Zero-Shot Scene Classification},
author={Karim El Khoury and Maxime Zanella and Beno{\^\i}t G{\'e}rin and Tiffanie Godelaine and Beno{\^\i}t Macq and Sa{\"i}d Mahmoudi and Christophe De Vleeschouwer and Ismail Ben Ayed},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.00698},

Please also consider citing the original TransCLIP paper:

  title={Boosting Vision-Language Models with Transduction},
  author={Zanella, Maxime and G{\'e}rin, Beno{\^\i}t and Ayed, Ismail Ben},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.01837},

For more details on transductive inference in VLMs, visit the TransCLIP comprehensive repository.

Contributing 🀝

Feel free to open an issue or pull request if you have any questions or suggestions. You can also contact us by Email.

Coming Soon ⏳

  • Text-prompt variability study for Zero-Shot Scene Classification
  • Few-shot RS-TransCLIP implementation for human-in-the-loop scenarios