Quizmaster Audio Consolidater

This is a simple utility that you can use to combine multiple mp3 files into one mp3 file separated by 4 seconds of silence between each song. Who might this be useful for? Quizmasters and people who like things to be in one audio file.


This is a node utility that also uses the open source package mp3val.


Install node

brew install node brew install mp3val


sudo apt-get install node sudo apt-get install mp3val

Substite apt-get with yum if you gotta be all debian like that


Install linux


Add the files you want to concatenate and then run node mp3

Future improvements

Bored and looking for things to do? Here are some features that would be nice to add.

  • input a .zip instead of file folder
  • variable output filename
  • prefixing the "Question number x" audio file
  • better error handling