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Time Service API is a simple REST API to fetch the current time since epoch.
- Python 3.6+
- FastAPI
- Pydantic
- Poetry
- Uvicorn
There's a convenience script at the root of the project run-locally.sh
which will install all project dependencies and then run the project.
To install the project dependencies manually run poetry install
To run the project, run poetry run uvicorn app.main.app --reload
- Run
docker build -t time-service:0.1.0
to build the image. - Run
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --rm time-service:0.1.0
To test the service is working, you can use curl:
$ curl -s | jq
"message": "Automate all the things!",
"timestamp": 1612235363
The project has an interactive API documentation based on Swagger UI.
To view the documentation open a browser at
with the application running.