
Forecasting pipeline for python

Primary LanguagePython


This project consists of a series of Python scripts designed to perform time series forecasting using various statistical and machine learning models. The project is broken down into five distinct scripts, each having a unique role. Below is a summary of each script:

Script Summaries

1. Data Preparation (data_preparation.py)


  • This script is responsible for generating and preparing data for modeling. It includes functions to generate a synthetic dataset with daily frequency and create various time features based on the date index.


  • generate_data(): Generates a data frame with a date range from 1/1/2020 to 1/10/2023 and a random data series.
  • train_test_split(): Splits the data into training and test sets with an 80-20 split.
  • create_features(): Creates several time series features including year, month, day, and various lag and rolling window features.

Important Details:

  • The data is generated with a daily frequency starting from 1/1/2020 to 1/10/2023.
  • A random number generator is used to create a data series.
  • Additional features are created based on the date index to assist with time series modeling.

2. Model Training and Prediction (model_training_and_prediction.py)


  • This script contains functions for training and predicting various time series models including linear regression, tree-based models, and several time series specific models like ARIMA and Prophet.


  • get_best_arima_order(train_data): Determines the best ARIMA order for the given training data using auto_arima.
  • train_model(model, X_train, y_train): Trains the specified model using the training data.
  • predict_model(model, X_test): Uses the trained model to make predictions on the test data.
  • Separate functions exist for training and predicting using specific models like Prophet, ARIMA, etc.

Important Details:

  • Includes a wide variety of models to choose from, including machine learning models and statistical time series models.
  • Model-specific training and prediction functions handle the unique requirements of each model type.

3. Evaluation Metrics (evaluation_metrics.py)


  • This script contains functions to calculate several statistical evaluation metrics to assess the performance of the forecasting models.


  • mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred): Computes the Mean Absolute Percentage Error.
  • symmetric_mean_absolute_percentage_error(y_true, y_pred): Computes the Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error.
  • mean_absolute_scaled_error(y_true, y_pred): Computes the Mean Absolute Scaled Error.
  • calculate_metrics(y_true, y_pred): Computes a series of metrics including MSE, RMSE, MAE, R2, MAPE, sMAPE, and MASE.

Important Details:

  • The metrics are used to evaluate the model predictions compared to the actual values.
  • Additional functions compute other statistical metrics for a comprehensive evaluation of the model performance.

4. Error Handler (error_handler.py)


  • This script contains a decorator function to catch and log errors that occur during the execution of the functions it decorates.


  • error_handler(func): A decorator to catch any exceptions that occur during the function execution and log them to a file.

Important Details:

  • The error handler logs errors into a file named 'errors.log'.
  • Helps in maintaining robustness by preventing the script from breaking due to errors and exceptions.

5. Main Script with Stacking and Ensembling (main.py)


  • The main script integrates functions from all other scripts to create a complete workflow for time series forecasting. It generates data, creates features, trains models, makes predictions, and evaluates the results. Additionally, it now includes stacking and ensembling of models.


  • main(): Coordinates the entire forecasting workflow, including data generation, feature creation, model training, prediction, evaluation, and ensemble modeling.

Important Details:

  • Utilizes the error_handler decorator to catch and log errors during the execution of the main function.
  • Trains a series of models and evaluates their performance using the metrics defined in the evaluation_metrics.py script.
  • Implements model stacking and ensembling by averaging predictions from individual models.
  • The results are returned as a DataFrame for easy viewing and analysis.