
Generate a keybinding help page from your i3 config

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Generates a keybinding help page from your i3 config.

Written By Ella Pash


It scrapes the i3 config file for all keybindings, formats them in html and then opens it in a browser.

The script does this by assuming your keybindings are organized into blocks with comments as headings. e.g.

# change borders
bindsym $mod+u border none
bindsym $mod+y border pixel 1
bindsym $mod+n border normal

It will then extract each block into a section on the output page with the comment as the heading and the keybindings listed below. e.g.

change borders:
 - mod+u -> border none
 - mod+y -> border pixel 1
 - mod+n -> border normal


Simply group all your keybindings in your i3 config into blocks with headings like this:

# change borders
bindsym $mod+u border none
bindsym $mod+y border pixel 1
bindsym $mod+n border normal

Then run the script to generate a keybinding help page.

The script takes two optional arguments:

  • -c or --config
    • specifies the i3 config file
    • by default set to "~/.i3/config"
  • -o or --output
    • specifies the output file
    • by default set to stdout


Simply run the script or add the following to your i3 config to create a help shortcut.

bindsym $mod+Shift+h exec python3 path-to-script/i3-keys.py --out path-to-script/out.html &


The following project is under the MIT license. Click here to view it.