NOTE: We got permission from Elena Glassman to have server-side components, because we had mistakenly implemented all of it before realizing it was not allowed.
Run "npm install".
Install mongodb, and have the database server running. (Refer to mongoDB manual)
Run with "node server.js"
If you want to have the server update the resources as you go,
"npm install -g nodemon" and then "nodemon server.js"
Ignore the warning about "cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'", it should be fine.
MongoDB: the database we're using. MongoDB uses "Scheme"s as displayed in app/models/user.js.
- express : server-side logic
- ejs : templating tool for reusing html, as well as passing in variable values to html
- mongoose : use to access mongoDB
- passport : handles user authentication
- connect-flash : allows passing in flash messages (such as login errors, etc)
- bcrypt : hashes passwords
- app : server-side handling
- models : Schemas
- user.js : describes the database user entry
- routes.js : routing requests server-side
- models : Schemas
- config : configuration
- database.js : the database URI
- passport.js : authentication, login, signup
- public : javascripts, css, images, other static files to be served
- views : EJS views