Configuration Manager for clusters configurations of Gru automatic management of Docker containers. This is a fork from the original project by Gexkill
For pdf tecnichal documentation Docs
First install Docker
Export env variable of your HostIP
export HostIP = ...
and env variable of your IP Port listening
export HostPort = ...
RUN on cmd
docker run --name=grucm -p ${HostPort}:${HostPort} -e "HostIP=${HostIP}" -e "HostPort=${HostPort}" --rm elleflorio/grucm
or if you don't want delete the container evertytime
docker run --name=grucm -p ${HostPort}:${HostPort} -e "HostIP=${HostIP}" -e "HostPort=${HostPort}" elleflorio/grucm
and when you run gruCM
docker start grucm
For the first of etcd's configuration instance there are two possibilities
####1) Using integrate graphic interface of gruCM for creating root user and other users and roles
####2) Using built-in etcd command line interface etcdctl
docker run --rm gexkill/grucm:cmd --endpoint="http://${HostIP}:2379,http://${HostIP}:4001" + {commands for interaction with etcd}
For documentation for the commands v2 Auth and Security Authentication Guide
For documentation
Before installing Go and setting up your GOPATH
The web app is focused on Martini package for the backend, Martini-contrib/render package for the frontend and etcd package for storing data.
For documentation: martini-contrib/render
Install the Gru Configuration Manager package
go get
run Etcd client
cd GOPATH$/bin
where GOPATH$ is the directory where you installed etcd
Finally run your server:
cd GOPATH$/src/
go run main.go
You will now have the webserver running on
For the first of etcd's configuration instance there are two possibilities
####1) Using integrate graphic interface of gruCM for creating root user and other users and roles
####2) Using built-in etcd command line interface etcdctl
go get
go install
etcdctl + {commands for interaction with etcd}
For documentation for the commands v2 Auth and Security Authentication Guide