
Fizz/Buzz PHP coding test

Primary LanguagePHP

Fizz/Buzz PHP coding test

Build Status codecov


Business requirements

Write a class with a method that takes 2 integers between 1 and 100. Loop from the first integer to the second integer. Write out each integer. If the integer is divisible by 3 also print out “fizz” If the integer is divisible by 5 also print out “buzz”

Development requirements

Before you write any other code write some unit tests

As we are developing Enterprise Software we will paying particular attention to:

  1. Code clarity and ease of understating
  2. Well commented code that gives clear and appropriate explanations
  3. Code that shows an understanding of Enterprise Software development requirements. i.e. we are just as interested in failure modes as in the happy path.
  4. Code should demonstrate understanding of the features of PHP 7.


  1. Install PHP 7.0 or greater
  2. Install composer (https://getcomposer.org/)
  3. Run composer install
  4. Run the index.php file
  5. Run PHPUnit tests, ./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap ./vendor/autoload.php tests/