This is my personal website.

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If you are adding an article that needs additional logic you can send the request to a separate controller, which then sends the response back, in this instance it is a view (Illuminate\View\View).


If an article requires a collection of objects that need to be gathered, instead of putting that logic in the ArticleController@show method (which will be called every time you load an article, even when it doesn't need it) it will allow it to go to a different controller (where the gathering can be done) and return a view.

  1. Create the separate controller and extend the ShowArticle abstract class:
class BooksController extends ShowArticle
    public function __construct(GetBooks $getBooks)
        $this->getBooks = $getBooks;

    public function show(Article $article): View
        return view('', compact('article'))
            ->with('books', $this->getBooks->get());
  1. Create the view and extend the blade template
  1. Append the additional content within the view
    {{ print_r($books) }}
  1. Declare the separate controller within the separate-controllers array in file config/articles.php. Where the key is the article id (primary key) and the value is the controller path.
return [
    'separate-controllers' => [
        4 => BooksController::class



  • Docker

Set Up Instructions

In your terminal run commands:

docker-compose up --build -d

docker exec --tty portfolio-v1_php_1 php artisan key:generate

docker exec --tty portfolio-v1_php_1 composer update

Run Tests

docker exec --tty portfolio-v1_php_1 php artisan migrate

docker exec --tty portfolio-v1_php_1 vendor/bin/phpunit tests