GPT-4 & LangChain - Create a ChatGPT Chatbot for Your HTML & PDF Files

This project uses the OpenAI's GPT-4 APIs to build a chatbot for multiple HTML & PDF files.

Chat with Mastercard Priceless

How it works

Tech stack used includes LangChain, Typescript, OpenAI, Next.js, HNSWLib, Chroma, Milvus and Pinecone. LangChain is a framework that makes it easier to build scalable AI/LLM apps and chatbots. HNSWLib, Chroma, Milvus and Pinecone are vectorstores for storing embeddings for your files. Here are some basic facts on these vectorstores.

HNSWLib Chroma Milvus Pinecone
GitHub repos HNSWLib Chroma Milvus Pinecone
Open Source? Yes Yes Yes No
Open Source License Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0 N/A
Managed Service Available? No No
Coming Q3 2023
Yes Yes
Managed Service Free-tier? N/A N/A No
Get $100 credits with 30-day trial upon registration
All users will have access to a single free project and index within a free tier environment.

Running Locally

  1. Check pre-conditions:
  • Run node -v to make sure you're running Node version 18 or above.
  • If not done already, run npm install -g yarn to install yarn globally.
  • Git Large File Storage (LFS) must have been installed.
  1. Clone the repo or download the ZIP
git clone [github https url]
  1. Install packages

Then run:

yarn install
  1. Set up your .env file
  • Copy .env.example into .env. Your .env file should look like this:


# VECTOR_STORE=pinecone




  • Visit openai to retrieve API keys and insert into your .env file.
  • If you don't have access to gpt-4 api, In utils/makechain.ts change modelName in new OpenAI to gpt-3.5-turbo
  • The sample HTML files and the corresponding embeddings are stored in folder data/docs and file data/ respectively, which allows you to run locally using HNSWLib vectorstore after unzipping into subfolder data/hnswlib.
  • You can also put your own files to any folder specified in SOURCE_FILES_DIR and run the command below to generate embeddings which will be stored in folder HNSWLIB_DB_DIR. Please note this will call OpenAI Embeddings API, which might cost a lot if your data size is big. As a reference, to load the 171 HTML files stored in folder data/docs, with a total size of around 180M, I spent around $22 USD.
yarn load
  • If you want to use another vectorstore, i.e., Chroma, Milvus or Pinecone, you will need to uncomment the correct VECTOR_STORE line, set up the corresponding env variables and then load the embeddings from folder HNSWLIB_DB_DIR to the vectorstore by running yarn load command. This will not incur any cost as no OpenAI API will be called.
  1. Start the local server at http://localhost:3000:
yarn dev

One-Click Deploy

Deploy the project using Netlify:

Deploy to Netlify

  • As the backend API will be deployed as an edge function at path /chat, please set up the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_DOCS_CHAT_API_URL to '/chat', along with OPENAI_API_KEY and other ones.
  • E.g., below are the environment variables required for using Pinecone vectorstore.
  • Please note HNSWLib vectorstore can't be used as it is not possible to read or write files from the file system in Netlify Edge Functions.
  • Chat with Mastercard Priceless is deployed using this method.
  • If you can read Chinese, you can take a look at 和佛陀聊天 which is also deployed using this method.

Blog Post

If you'd like to know more about this project, check out the blog post.