About Me

I am a final year PhD student in University of Washington NLP Group, supervised by Mari Ostendorf and Hannaneh Hajishirzi. My research lies in the area of natural language processing and machine learning. Specifically, I'm currently working on building and improving language models that respond to and learn from information-seeking humans. I was an intern and a student researcher at Google Research (currently Google DeepMind), working with Gaurav Tomar, Yi Luan, Hannah Rashkin and David Reitter. In the past, I spent two summers interning at MSR NLP reseach group with Michel Galley and Bill Dolan, and many other great researchers. I also had the great pleasure to mentor Ryu Parish, a brilliant and passionate undergrad researcher at UW.

I did my master in UIUC Data Mining Group. During that two years, I was mainly supervised by Jiawei Han and closely worked with Xiang Ren - both of them sparked my great interest in doing research. I did my undergraduate studies in electrical engineering also at UIUC, with minors in computer science, math and business. I was very fortunate to have J. Gary Eden as my academic (and life) mentor throughout the four years.

Here is my updated CV. Reach out to me at zeqiuwu1 [at] uw [dot] edu.

Publications / Preprints

Self-RAG: Learning to Retrieve, Generate and Critique through Self-Reflection
Akari Asai, Zeqiu Wu, Yizhong Wang, Avirup Sil, Hannaneh Hajishirzi. Preprint, 2023. [project page]

Fine-Grained Human Feedback Gives Better Rewards for Language Model Training
Zeqiu Wu*, Yushi Hu*, Weijia Shi, Nouha Dziri, Alane Suhr, Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, Noah A Smith, Mari Ostendorf, Hannaneh Hajishirzi. NeurIPS (spotlight), 2023. [project page][coverage]

DIALGEN: Collaborative Human-LM Generated Dialogues for Improved Understanding of Human-Human Conversations
Bo-Ru Lu*, Nikita Haduong*, Chia-Hsuan Lee, Zeqiu Wu, Hao Cheng, Paul Koester, Jean Utke, Tao Yu, Noah A Smith, Mari Ostendorf. Preprint, 2023.

INSCIT: Information-Seeking Conversations with Mixed-Initiative Interactions
Zeqiu Wu, Ryu Parish, Hao Cheng, Sewon Min, Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, Mari Ostendorf, Hannaneh Hajishirzi. TACL, 2023.

CONQRR: Conversational Query Rewriting for Retrieval with Reinforcement Learning
Zeqiu Wu, Yi Luan, Hannah Rashkin, David Reitter, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Mari Ostendorf, Gaurav Singh Tomar. EMNLP, 2022.

DIALKI: Knowledge Identification in Conversational Systems through Dialogue-Document Contextualization
Zeqiu Wu*, Bo-Ru Lu*, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Mari Ostendorf. EMNLP, 2021.

A Multi-Passage Knowledge Selector for Information-Seeking Dialogues
Zeqiu Wu*, Bo-Ru Lu*, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Mari Ostendorf. DialDoc at ACL, 2021. (non-archival system description paper)
1st prize of DialDoc Shared Task subtask 1

Automatic Document Sketching: Generating Drafts from Analogous Texts
Zeqiu Wu, Michel Galley, Chris Brockett, Yizhe Zhang, Bill Dolan. Findings of ACL. 2021.

A Controllable Model of Grounded Response Generation
Zeqiu Wu, Michel Galley, Chris Brockett, Yizhe Zhang, Xiang Gao, Chris Quirk, Rik Koncel-Kedziorski, Jianfeng Gao, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Mari Ostendorf, Bill Dolan. AAAI, 2021.

Extracting Summary Knowledge Graphs from Long Documents
Zeqiu Wu, Rik Koncel-Kedziorski, Mari Ostendorf, Hannaneh Hajishirzi. Preprint, 2020.

HiExpan: Task-Guided Taxonomy Construction by Hierarchical Tree Expansion
Jiaming Shen, Zeqiu Wu, Dongming Lei, Chao Zhang, Xiang Ren, Michelle T. Vanni, Brian M. Sadler and Jiawei Han. KDD, 2018.

Indirect Supervision for Relation Extraction Using Question-Answer Pairs
Zeqiu Wu, Xiang Ren, Frank F. Xu, Ji Li, Jiawei Han. WSDM, 2018. [project page]

SetExpan: Corpus-Based Set Expansion via Context Feature Selection and Rank Ensemble
Jiaming Shen*, Zeqiu Wu*, Dongming Lei, Jingbo Shang, Xiang Ren, Jiawei Han. ECML-PKDD, 2017.

CoType: Joint Extraction of Typed Entities and Relations with Knowledge Bases
Xiang Ren, Zeqiu Wu, Wenqi He, Meng Qu, Clare R. Voss, Heng Ji, Tarek F. Abdelzaher, Jiawei Han. WWW, 2017.

Life-iNet: A Structured Network-Based Knowledge Exploration and Analytics System for Life Sciences
Xiang Ren, Jiaming Shen, Meng Qu, Xuan Wang, Zeqiu Wu, Qi Zhu, Meng Jiang, Fangbo Tao, Saurabh Sinha, David Liem, Peipei Ping, Richard Weinshilboum, Jiawei Han. (system demo) ACL, 2017.