
A CQRS implementation using Kafka

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka CQRS Demo

A CQRS implementation using Apache Kafka.


You'll need Kafka, Zookeeper, and Schema registry running in your env. I suggest running Confluent using Docker containers.

You'll also need Postman to test the demo.


Make sure that you are using Java 11+.

Do a ./mvnw clean install to get the following jar files:

  • Command: /command/target/command-0.0.1.jar
  • Query: /query/target/query-0.0.1.jar


Simultaneously run the jar files from the previous step.

  • java -jar /command/target/command-0.0.1.jar
  • java -jar /query/target/query-0.0.1.jar

Import CARS.postman_collection.json collection located in the root folder to Postman and fire some command and query requests.