Dose Viewer

Dose viewer is a (WIP) web-based visualization tool for EGSnrc phantom and dose files. To use, either upload .3ddose and .egsphant files or use the test files available. If two or more dose files are uploaded, they can be compared in the viewer. Dose contours can be added with the input box in the dose legend. Contours can be toggled on and off by clicking the corresponding colour block in the legend. Voxel information can be viewed by selecting the checkbox to show voxel data and selecting a point in any of the three plots. Dose profiles can be viewed by selecting the checkbox to plot dose profiles and choosing a point on the plot to investigate.


To run this webpage locally:

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Using the command line, cd into the dose-viewer folder

  3. If you have Python 3, start a local server using the command

     python -m http.server

    If you have Python 2, use the command

     python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  4. If the command is successful, it should give you a link (e.g. which you can paste into your browser to view the web page


This project is a collaboration between Elise Badun and Magdalena Bazalova-Carter of the University of Victoria, and Frederic Tessier, Reid Townson, and Ernesto Mainegra-Hing of the NRC.