
A Repository to Practice Pushing, Pulling, Cloning and Forking

Primary LanguagePython


A Repository to Practice Pushing, Pulling, Cloning and Forking

To add this repository to your own computer, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub Account by pressing the Fork button in the top left corner.

  2. Now you have a GoGoGithub repository on your own github account! Go there and copy the url.

  3. Open your terminal and cd into the parent directory.

  4. Type in the following command, using the url you copied in step 2.

    git clone www.paste/the/url/here
  5. Now you have the folder on your computer! Add your own .py file with a new function that you've made.

  6. Push your new file up to GitHub by typing in the following, line by line.

    git add my_file_name.py
    git commit -m 'my message here'
    git push origin master
  7. Your code is now on your github page! Make a pull request, by going to www.github.com/elliesch/GoGoGithub and pressing the pull request tab.

  8. Congrats you are a GoGoGithub collaborator!!!