
Pawzbe is a pet social media platform. User can create accounts using either Google or Github logins, and share photos and updates about their pets with their friends.


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Technologies Used

Backend Technologies

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB: We manage our MongoDB connection using Mongoose.
  • OAuth: We manage Oauth using Passport.

Frontend Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • EJS

Image Handling and Storage

  • Cloudinary: We use Cloudinary for image storage.
  • Multer: We use Multer to handle the image upload feature.
  • Streamifier: Used in conjunction with Multer and Cloudinary to efficiently handle the image upload process.

Third-Party APIs

  • Third-Party API for Breed Information: We integrate a third-party API to fetch detailed information about different breeds.

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Next Steps

  • Allow users to add multiple pets and switch between them
  • Further improve styling
  • Better link parsing / handling
  • Introduce other third party APIs (toys)