AEM 4501 matlab files place this directory in a convenient folder on your computer. Use the 'pathtool' command to add this directory to Matlab's search path, so that it can find these files. == 1D Static Elastic Bar ======================================================= bar_static.m This script uses a uniform FEM mesh to solve the problem of a linear elastic bar subjected to an end load, Fz, and a distributed force-per-unit-length, qz. The input is as simple as possible. The output includes displacements, reactions, internal forces, and strains. Dependencies: assemble_bar_fem.m assemble_bar_fem.m This script assembles the Mass and Stiffness matrices and the Force vector for the linear elastic bar subjected to a distributed load, qz, for a uniform mesh. It uses 5 point Guass-quadrature to integrate the force vector. gmesh_bar_static.m This script uses a general mesh (gmesh) to solve the problem of a linear elastic bar (tension or torsion) fixed at the Left and subjected to an end load, Fz, and a distributed load, qz. The input uses a set of data structures to describe a general mesh. The output includes displacements, reaction forces, internal forces, and strains. Dependencies: assemble_gmesh_bar_fem.m assemble_gmesh_bar_fem.m This script assembles the Mass and Stiffness matrices and the Force vector for the linear elastic bar subjected to a distributed load, qz, for a general mesh. It uses 5 point Guass-quadrature to integrate the force vector. create_gmesh_for_uniform_mesh.m This script takes input similar to "bar_static" and provides output that is appropriate for use as input to "gmesh_bar_static". The only real difference between bar_static and gmesh_bar_static is that the gmesh versions implement the more general data structures. == 1D Dynamic Elastic Bar ====================================================== bar_dynamic.m This script uses a uniform FEM mesh to integrate the equations of motion for a linear elastic bar subjected to an end load, Fz, and a distributed force-per-unit-length, qz. This input is as simple as possible. The output is an augmented 'sol' structure from matlab's ode45 solver. Dependencies: assemble_bar_fem.m gmesh_bar_dynamic.m This script uses a general mesh (gmesh) to solve the problem of a linear elastic bar (tension or torsion) fixed at the Left and subjected to an end load, Fz, and a distributed load, qz. The input uses a set of data structures to describe a general mesh. The output includes displacements, reaction forces, internal forces, and strains. Dependencies: assemble_gmesh_bar_fem.m bar_modes.m This script uses a uniform mesh to compute the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the elastic bar problems. The output includes the frequencies and mode shapes. Dependencies: assemble_bar_fem.m gmesh_bar_modes.m This script computes the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the elastic bar problems using a general mesh. The output includes the frequencies and mode shapes. Dependencies: assemble_gmesh_bar_fem.m spring_mass_forced.m An example script that uses a 2 node mesh to create a problem equivalent to a simple spring-mass oscillator subjected to harmonic forcing. It uses "bar_modes.m" to determine a good time step. It then creates two animated gif files plotting the results in various ways. Dependencies: bar_dynamic.m; bar_modes.m bar_forced.m An example script that is the same as spring_mass_forced.m except it uses a 20 node mesh for a bar. Dependencies: bar_dynamic.m; bar_modes.m bar_impact.m An example script that is the same as bar_forced.m except it is subjected to an "impact" loading corresponding to an initial non-zero Right end velocity. Dependencies: bar_dynamic.m; bar_modes.m == 2D Static Beam ============================================================== gmesh_beam_static.m This script solves the static planar beam bending problem with build-in Left end and subjected to and shear force, Vy, and end bending moment, Mx, as well as a distributed shear loading, qy, using a general mesh. The input allows for variable element size and material and geometric properties. The output includes the solution in terms of nodal displacements and rotations, element moments and curvatures. In addition, the output includes a list of displacements interior to each elements in order to make accurate plotting of the deformed configuration more straight forward. Dependencies: assemble_gmesh_beam_fem.m; beam_interpolate_results.m assemble_gmesh_beam_fem.m This script assembles the Mass and Stiffness matrices and the Force vector for the planar beam bending problem subjected to a distributed shear loading, qy, using a general mesh. It uses 5 point Gauss-quadrature to integrate the force vector. beam_interpolate_results.m This script uses the beam shape functions to interpolate the solution vector (obtained from gmesh_beam_static.m) and generate the element moments and curvatures as well as the list of displacements interior to each element. == 2D Dynamic Beam ============================================================= gmesh_beam_dynamic.m This script uses a general mesh (gmesh) to solve the dynamic problem of a planar beam bending problem with built-in Left end and subjected to and shear force, Vy, and end bending moment, Mx, as well as a distributed shear loading, qy, using a general mesh. Initial conditions are given in terms of initial nodal displacements and velocities. The output is an augmented 'sol' structure from matlab's ode45 solver. Dependencies: assemble_gmesh_beam_fem.m; beam_interpolate_results.m gmesh_beam_modes.m This script computes the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the planar beam bending problem with built-in Left end. The output includes a list of the requested number of natural frequencies, the corresponding mode shapes, mass and stiffness matrices. Dependencies: assemble_gmesh_beam_fem.m; beam_interpolate_results.m beam_free_vib.m An example script that computes the free vibration response of a beam subjected to an initially deformed configuration corresponding to the equilibrium configuration associated with end loading of Vy=-5000, Mx=-150000. This part of the script uses gmesh_beam_dynamic.m and creates the file beam_free_vib_saved.mat containing the results. The next part of the script decomposes the initial conditions into natural mode components using the gmesh_beam_modes.m output. The script then computes the time-dependent natural mode amplitudes from the explicit solution of the free vibration problem in terms of the beam's natural modes. The script then plots the displacement of the Right end as a function of time for both solutions. It also plots the full deformed configuration at 5 different times using the full dynamic solution and a modal solution containing only the first 5 modes. We see that these compare very well. You can rerun the last section of this script (cut-and-paste) using 'order=x' with different values of x in order to see how the solution converges with the number of modes used. (This script can take some time to run.) == 3D Static Trusses =========================================================== PD_truss_static.m This script solves the static 3D truss deformation problem. A truss is specified in terms of nodes, elements, material sets, boundary condition types, and values. Each nodal DOF is assigned a BCType (disp. or force) and a value (the numerical value of the disp. or force). Input is encapsulated inside a matlab structure variable containing all the Problem Data (PD). The script returns a copy of the original PD input structure augmented with output data including the nodal displacements, nodal reaction forces, element internal force values, and element stresses. Dependencies: assemble_PD_truss_fem.m; truss_local_matrices.m assemble_PD_truss_fem.m This script assembles the Mass and Stiffness matrices for the linear 3D truss problem. truss_local_matrices.m This script computes the element mass, stiffness, and coordinate transformation matrices for a 3D truss element. The input consists of the two nodal coordinates for the element and a matlab structure containing the element's material and geometric properties. PlotTruss.m This script generates an interactive 3D plot of the truss structure problem. The input allows for specification of the scaling of the deformations and the plotting of labels. If the deformed structure is not plotted colors indicate the material set of each element. Dash marks at a node indicate applied boundary conditions (color coded for disp. or force type). The plot may be rotated in 3D using the standard matlab plot view tools. == 3D Dynamic Trusses ========================================================== PD_truss_modes.m This script computes the free vibration natural modes for the 3D truss problem. The output includes the number of requested mode frequencies and their shapes. Dependencies: assemble_PD_truss_fem.m PlotTrussMode.m This script takes as input the output of PD_truss_modes.m and plots the deformed configuration of the requested natural mode. truss_2d_example.m An example 2D truss with 2 material sets, 6 nodes, and 9 elements. This is a good example to demonstrate the concept of "Mechanisms" by removing one or more of elements 3, 6, and 7. truss_example.m An example 3D truss with 2 material sets, 7 nodes, and 9 elements. == Prandtl Torsion ============================================================= PD_torsion_poly.m This script solves the Prandtl torsion problem for a polygonal cross section. The input includes a list of vertexes, a bounding box, and a numerical value for the right hand side of the torsion equations. Output consists of a copy of the input PD data structure augmented with lots of additional information as listed in the function documentation. This script uses the DISTMESH package routines to construct the triangular FEM mesh. Dependencies: PD_torsion.m PD_torsion.m This script solves the Prandtl torsion problem for a general cross section specified by a function that is zero on the boundary of the section, negative inside the section, and positive outside the section. The input includes a function that describes the boundary, a bounding box, and a numerical value for the right hand side of the torsion equations. Output consists of a copy of the input PD data structure augmented with lots of additional information as listed in the function documentation. This script uses the DISTMESH package routines to construct the triangular FEM mesh. Dependencies: assemble_PD_torsion_fem.m; DISTMESH files assemble_PD_torsion_fem.m This script assembles the Stiffness matrix and Force vector for the Prandtl torsion problem using the mesh generated by the DISTMESH utilities and the simple formula for the "constant-strain-triangle" element stiffness matrix and force vector. ellipse_torsion_example.m triangle_torsion_example.m rectangle_torsion_example.m butterfly_torsion_example.m Examples of setup and use of both PD_torsion.m and PD_torsion_poly.m DIST MESH files: DISTMESH_COPYRIGHT.TXT DISTMESH_FILE_LIST.TXT boundedges.m distmesh2d.m dpoly.m dsegment.m dsegment.mexa64 dsegment.mexmaci64 dsegment.mexw32 dsegment.mexw64 fixmesh.m huniform.m simpplot.m simpvol.m