A Graphite Dashboard, massively inspired by the excellent GDash made by ripienaar
It was rewritten in Python.
Differences with Gdash :
- Configuration is in full YAML instead of a DSL.
- Ability to display multiple dashboards on a single page for comparison
- Zoom in/out
- Graph inclusion allows globbing
This dashboard is a Flask application. Have a look at this documentation if you want to deploy it in a production environment.
If you just want to play with it, simply install dependencies and launch the run script:
# pip install pyyaml
# pip install flask
# ./run.py
If you want to run tests:
# pip install nose
# nosetests
remember to make sure there is an empty 'graphs' directory in the root directory for testing.
Test environment with Docker and Fig (now docker-compose)
You can run a fully functionnal test environment with Graphite, Collectd and Leonardo.
# vi fig.yml
change the GRAPHITE_SERVER variable to your docker host IP address. If you use boot2docker, you can get it with :
# boot2docker ip
Then build your leonardo container :
# fig build
Now run the full environment :
# fig up
This will launch a collectd container that will send your CPU metrics to a carbon/graphite container. then it will launch your Leonardo container. You can then open your browser to :
open http://$(boot2docker ip):5000
Main configuration example is included in config/leonardo.yaml.example, you should rename it to leonardo.yaml and adjust the main options here.
Two config options are mandatory in leonardo.yaml:
* graphite: put your Graphite server url there
* templatedir: directory where your dashboards are.
and additional options:
* The title to show at the top of your Dashboard
* How many columns of graphs to create, 3 by default.
* How often dashboard page is refreshed, 30 sec by default.
* The width of the graphs, 450 by default
* The height of the graphs, 220 by default
* Optional interval quick filters
Creating Dashboards
You can have multiple top level categories of dashboard. Just create directories in the templatedir for each top level category.
In each top level category create a sub directory with a short name for each new dashboard.
You need a file called dash.yaml for each dashboard, here is a sample:
name: Server-1
description: Main System Metrics for server-1
Then create descriptions in files like cpu.graph in the same directory, in pure YAML. here is a sample:
title: Combined CPU Usage
vtitle: percent
area: stacked
description: The combined CPU usage
color: red
alias: IO Wait
data: sumSeries(collectd.server-1.cpu.*.cpu.wait.value)
cacti_style: si
color: orange
alias: System
data: sumSeries(collectd.server-1.cpu.*.cpu.system.value)
cacti_style: si
color: 4169E1
alias: User
data: sumSeries(collectd.server.cpu.*.cpu.user.value)
cacti_style: si
Template Directory Layout
The directory layout is such that you can have many groupins of dashboards each with many dashboards underneath it, an example layout of your templates dir would be:
`-- virtualization
|-- dom0
| |-- dash.yaml
| |-- iowait.graph
| |-- load.graph
| |-- system.graph
| |-- threads.graph
| `-- user.graph
`-- kvm1
|-- dash.yaml
|-- disk_read.graph
|-- disk_write.graph
|-- ssd_read.graph
`-- ssd_write.graph
Here we have a group of dashboards called 'virtualization' with 2 dashboards inside it each with numerous graphs.
You can create as many groups as you want each with many dashboards inside.
Custom Time Intervals
You can reuse your dashboards and adjust the time interval by using the following url structure:
This will display the email dashboard with a time interval same day last week.
Quick interval filters shown in interface are configurable in leonardo.yaml options sections. Eg:
- label: 30 minutes
from: -30min
to: now
- label: 24 hours
from: -1day
- label: 1 week
from: -7day
- label: 1 month
from: -30day
- label: 1 year
from: -1year
Time Intervals Display
If you configure time intervals in the config file you can click on any graph in the main dashboard view and get a view with different time intervals of the same graph
- [ "-1hour", "1 hour" ]
- [ "-2hour", "2 hour" ]
- [ "-1day", "1 day" ]
- [ "-1month", "1 month" ]
- [ "-1year", "1 year" ]
With this in place in the leonardo.yaml clicking on a graph will show the 5 intervals defined above of that graph
Full Screen Displays
You can reuse your dashboards for big displays against a wall in your NOC or office by using the following url structure:
This is how it looks :
Include graphs from other dashboard
You can include the graphs from other dashboard with the include property in dash.yaml. You can also use globbing :
- templates/os.basic
- templates/os.nfs
- System/Server-*/cpu.graph
Load dashboard properties from a external YAML file
If you got a set of common properties that you want to reuse in the dashboard, you can load a external yaml file from in dash.yaml. The path is relative to the templatedir and it does not support recursive includes.
Examples are a list of server colors, timezones, etc. In dash.yaml:
- common.yml
- black-theme.yml
Example common.yml:
timezone: Europe/London
hide_legend: false
Example black-theme.yml:
background_color: white
foreground_color: black
vertical_mark_color: "#330000"
Additional Features on Leonardo
I wrote Leonardo to be able to add features that I find useful in a production environment :
Multiple Dashboards
You can use regexps in the search box to display multiple Dashboards at the same time. That way you can compare dashboards with each other, which is very useful for instance when comparing several server metrics :
Zoom in/out
Using the + / - buttons on a dashboard, you can zoom in or out. The number of columns will adapt automatically :
The logging is configurable via options in the config/leonardo.yaml
. There are
options for logging to stdout, files, syslog, and email.
- Logging to stdout
- stdout:
level: debug
- Logging to a file
- file:
filename: /path/to/log/file
level: info
- Logging to syslog
- syslog:
level: debug
- Logging to email
- email:
mailhost: example.com
fromaddr: server-error@example.com
- admin1@example.com
- admin2@example.com
subject: example message
level: error
Dark/Light Theme
Add "theme: dark" to options in leonardo.yaml to switch Leonardo to dark mode :
theme: dark