
Basic constraint-based physics engine for simulating PID control

Primary LanguageC++

PID Simulator

Aim to create basic 2D component-based physics with constraints, rendered using OpenGL, with the eventual goal of being able to simulate closed-loop control systems like PID controllers.

This project is my first in c++, and was inspired at least in part by Ange-the-great as seen on YouTube, famous for his c++-based Engine Simulator.


The dependancies of this project include:

  • GLM
  • glad (included at top-level as a c file, and installed as a header)
  • GLFW
  • make

Compile and run

make clear removes any files that remain from previous compliations. Please run this in a new directory in case you delete important files by mistake.

make out tries to compile all files according to their dependance on each other. These get linked into a single executable out at top-level, if successful.

chmod 700 out && ./out will run the executable.

I'm completing this project on Ubuntu, and as such have not tested its functionality or behaviour on Windows etc.

❯ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Release:	22.04
Codename:	jammy