This project is a testbed that aims to prove out the concept of a Rush monorepo designed around Roku development and the BrighterScript toolchain.
In order to run unit tests you will need a Roku device in developer mode, see for more information.
- rush init
- copy sample app
- crib pieces from the following examples:
- build a "roku-rig" containing bsconfig-base.json
- enable phased builds
- created a simple "library" that just exports a file with some functions
- this shows off consuming library functions from an app component (not possible normally)
- first iteration uses bsconfig file mapping for imports
seems to have an unmet dependency onundent
- fix: patched in pnpmfile for now
- FIXED! Undent is now a dependency
extending base file seems to bake real path ofrootDir
at read time- fix: override
in each app's bsconfig for now
- fix: override
- I don't think there is a way to limit parallelism on only the "test" phase
- Since each unit test pass requires a device, some limit/gate would be necessary
- For now, disable parallelism at command level for bulk commands (command-line.json)
- Both "rushx build" and "rushx dev" (bsc and roku-deploy) read the bs-config file, but roku-deploy is stricter
- For example, comments are NOT ALLOWED by roku-deploy, but they ARE by bsc
- This is very restrictive, comments are crucial for config json files
- fix: delete comments (but hopefully we can fix upstream)
- FIXED: This was actually a JSON.parse in the build script!
- Make SURE that you make a, not a Main.brs, otherwise Rooibos can't patch your main()
- Move "dev script" into tools/ folder
- It could be written in typescript and added as dependency of hello-world
- Move dotenv requirement out of app and into the tool
- Try out vscode extension
- Setup a bsfmt.json
- Do we need to add bsfmt itself to package.json of every project, or does extension handle it?
- bslint
- Make lint run as part of build?
- Make lint run on pre-commit?
- rooibos
- add a unit test for hello-world app
- ensure it runs
- libraries
- can we run a "library's" unit tests independent of an app with a manifest file?
- ropm
- convert library to use ropm
- test when ropm happens (at build time?)
- experiment with turning ropm directory copies into symlinks into node_modules
- can ropm "install" from node_modules instead of searching itself? (rely on pnpm cache)