
A command line utility written in go to pipe stdout to a web interface

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

CLI2CLOUD - pipe stdout to web

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cli2cloud - A command line utility to pipe stdout to a web interface
Version: 0.1.0

Web interface



Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/elliot40404/cli2cloud
cd cli2cloud/cli
go install
# The binaries are also available in the bin directory


Direcly download the binary for linux with curl or wget

  wget https://github.com/elliot40404/cli2cloud/releases/latest/download/c2c
  curl -L -o c2c https://github.com/elliot40404/cli2cloud/releases/latest/download/c2c
  chmod +x c2c
  sudo ln -s $(pwd)/c2c /usr/local/bin/c2c

Direcly download the binary for windows


Checkout all releases



1. Download/Build the binary and add it to your PATH

2. When using for the first time run c2c

This should generate a 8 character long key.

$ c2c
No key found
Creating new key...
Created key: 4MQrxK9p

3. Now if you run c2c again it should show the key along with the instructions

$ c2c
A command line interface for piping output to web
Key: 4MQrxK9p
Web-UI: https://cli2cloud.herokuapp.com/4MQrxK9p
Version: 0.1.0
    $ command | c2c     - pipe stdout to web
    $ command | c2c -q  - pipe stdout to web quite mode
    $ c2c           - print this help menu
                      also generates a new key if none exists

4. Now you can use the key to pipe the output to the web

Open up a browser and go to https://cli2cloud.herokuapp.com/#/cli?id=<key>

5. Pipe the stdout to the web

echo "Hello World" | c2c

5. Pipe the stdout and stderr to the web

echo "Hello World" |& c2c

5. Pipe the stderr to the web

echo "Hello World" 2>&1 >/dev/null | c2c

Advanced Usage

Continous Mode

Put this snippet in a file. I am calling mine term.sh

while true
  read -p "$USER@c2c in $(basename $PWD)\$ " p
  $p |& c2c -q
sudo chmod +x term.sh
sudo ./term.sh

This should run the command in a loop and give you a terminal like interface and piping to the web withouth the need to pipe.

This is in no way an actual terminal interface. It is just a way/hack to pipe to the web without the need to pipe every command. This lacks basic terminal features like history and tab completion, ability backout of a dir. But it is a start.

cli2cloud web interface

I am working on an actual way to pipe stdout and stderr with the actual terminal interface.


cli2cloud web interface cli2cloud web interface

Default example

cli2cloud cli interface

Passing the -q flag to c2c will not print the url

cli2cloud cli interface

NOTE: Your key is stored in the ~/c2c.dat file. If you want to change the key you can delete the file and run c2c again.
