Transitioning to :foreign-libs right now.
These packages originally only worked out of the box with Boot. Existing versions will continue to work, future versions will work through the
mechanism supplied by Clojurescript.
All packages provided by cljsjs provide deps.cljs
files that will be automtically picked up by the Clojurescript
compiler as of 0.0-2727. Versions of the Jar reflect the
version of the packaged JS lib.
You can find the specific coordinates for those packages in their
respective README
There are a bunch of tasks for Boot in boot-cljsjs that help with
packaging these jars. If you are curious how they work, I recommend checking out
the individual build.boot
files in the subdirectories of this repository.
If you just want a JS library to be packaged up, feel free to open an issue, chances are someone might just do it for you.
Please note that packaging other things besides plain JS libraries is a bit more complex and is currently out of scope for this project. If you have suggestions or ideas to change this, open an issue :)