
Simple tree operations in Python

Primary LanguagePython


Simple tree operations in Python

Trees data strutures are pervasive in computer science, even for the most practical tasks such as organizing files on a file system. Treant provides basic tree construction and operations in as simple a way as possible.

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import treant
from treant import value

t = treant.tree(
    ('/', [
        ('home', [
            ('jane', []),
            ('john', [
        ('opt', [
            ('robots', [
                ('bin', [])])])]))

path = treant.find_path_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'robots')
# => [root_node>, <opt_node>, <robots_node>]

path_values = [value(n) for n in path]
# => ['/', 'opt', 'robots']

node = treant.find_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'jane')
# => <jane_node>

node = treant.find_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'nonsense!')
# => None

node = treant.find_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'bin')
# => None   # find_ex only returns a value if the match is unique

node = treant.find_all(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'bin')
# => [<john_bin_node>, <robots_bin_node>]  # find_all returns all matches