Simple tree operations in Python
Trees data strutures are pervasive in computer science, even for the most practical tasks such as organizing files on a file system. Treant provides basic tree construction and operations in as simple a way as possible.
import treant
from treant import value
t = treant.tree(
('/', [
('home', [
('jane', []),
('john', [
('opt', [
('robots', [
('bin', [])])])]))
path = treant.find_path_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'robots')
# => [root_node>, <opt_node>, <robots_node>]
path_values = [value(n) for n in path]
# => ['/', 'opt', 'robots']
node = treant.find_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'jane')
# => <jane_node>
node = treant.find_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'nonsense!')
# => None
node = treant.find_ex(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'bin')
# => None # find_ex only returns a value if the match is unique
node = treant.find_all(t, lambda n: value(n) == 'bin')
# => [<john_bin_node>, <robots_bin_node>] # find_all returns all matches