
Install VPN Server on Google Cloud Platform (using Debian 7)

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Install VPN Server on Google Cloud platform (using Debian 7)


  1. You have Google account
  2. You are familiar with Google cloud platform console.
  3. You know how to launch Google Computing VM with Debian 7. (Quick Start)


###On Server:###

  1. After you launch an instance, download vpn-installtion.sh into that instance.
  3. run sudo sh vpn-installtion.sh
4. Setup the network. ![Allow traffic to TCP port 500, and UDP ports 500 and 4500.](https://greenido.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/screenshot-2014-08-10-08-50-20.png?w=696)

###On Client(Mac):###

  1. Create a new connection. Create a new connection
  2. Fill in the Server Address and Account Name.
  3. Click Authentication Settings. Fill in Machine Authentication Shared Secret with IPSEC_PSK
  4. Click advanced button and check Send all traffic on options tab.
  5. Click apply and connect.
  6. [Optional] Setup dns server. In DNS tab, you can copy values in /etc/resolv.conf of VPN Server and update the search domain of client.

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