
Primary LanguageJavaScript



This subdirectory has the following for "Whale" to work:

  • Front-end
    • Rendering code
    • Networking code (a way to talk to the server and for the server to talk to you, in game)
    • User input
    • Rudimentary animation code (for waves)
    • A working 'timer' that keeps server-time.
  • Back-end
    • A mock-up of how to use sockets and rooms to create game instances.
    • An asset delivery system using Flask.

It needs:

  • Front-end
    • Loading and displaying new choices from the server (see demo provided)
    • Better animations for clicking, fading (through some kind of client-side scheduler)
    • A better asset loading system (low priority) capable of selecting optimal assets and caching them.
  • Back-end
    • DB hooks to store game, user data.
    • An implementation of one Whale game exposing handles for the same.

The Developer Corner

Getting Started

  • Install the Python requirements you need from the requirements.txt file:
    $ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the Flask server to begin running the game:
    $ python3 server.py

Adding assets

  • All audio assets must be of ".ogg" file type, and are to be placed at /audio/<asset_name>.ogg
  • All image assets must have an SVG version stored at /img/svg/<asset_name>.svg. Rasterizations are found in /img/x1/<asset_name>.png, /img/x2/<asset_name>.png, and /img/x3/<asset_name>.png. The x1 subdirectory stores SVGs rasterized at 96 DPI, x2 at 192 DPI, and x3 at 288 DPI. Harpoon renders all images using device-independent pixels, so using low-res images will just look blurry on higher DPI displays.
  • Want to extend the server to display text? No problem. Regular HTML, CSS, and JS can be written and mixed in like regular Flask. Convenient endpoints for CSS, JS, and HTML resources are already provided in the demo server.


  • Remember to clear cache and reload when testing client pages out. 'Ctrl+Shift+R' reloads and clears cache on Chrome.
  • You can enable a grid-view in rendered output for the C2d renderer by initializing "_dbgView" to true in the C2dRenderer constructor in "render.js." This makes it much easier to adjust where tiles are placed.
  • Remember to allow audio to be played in your browser's settings. Some kind of alert for the user would be very helpful.
  • I sincerely apologize for the messy state of "Harpoon"; it was written "fast and loose" and will be cleaned up shortly as bugs are ironed out.