- 0
#26 opened by LiJingBiao - 1
can not convert img tab not in p tags
#14 opened by leimiu - 0
em converts to bold instead of italic
#25 opened by desmap - 0
#23 opened by zhengxinonly - 0
#22 opened by yangjiada - 0
New release ?
#21 opened by Tarrke - 1
too strict with the html format
#19 opened by celesky - 1
tag parse
#15 opened by ljhierarch - 0
Output is not clean with \n\t
#16 opened by icehongssii - 1
Can't convert "<br/>" tag
#13 opened by webhacking - 3
<b> bold </b> only works inside <p> </p>
#12 opened by yucongo - 1
No support in Chinese?
#11 opened by sandyplus - 0
issue with `'` in words.
#10 opened by senaps - 1
- 1
Can't convert self-closing tag.
#5 opened by fengqiangboy - 2
Cannot parse tr/th/td tags with attribute
#3 opened by rikumi - 7