
An extension that uses google to figure out the most likely answer for the kahoot question

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kahoot AI

Download for Chrome Download for Firefox

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This is an extension that will get the question, google it, and then automatically figure out the answer.

This extension was made as a fun challenge and currently does work. There are alot of limitations and you may need to put in a custom serpapi api key but other than that its fine. I am going to work on making it a bit more user friendly and fix alot of bugs.

Current Modes

Highlight correct question:

Highlight mode

Currently known bugs

  • Math equations and other special text breaks the bot
  • Can only work when the question is displayed on page (nothing I can do about that)
  • Can't solve True/False questions (Will be very hard to fix)
  • Will only pick one choice in multiple choice questions
  • Does not work for all types of google answer boxes

Tested on Google Chrome and firefox