
Repository for LaTeX code of PhD thesis

Primary LanguageTeX

Elliot Simon PhD Thesis

This repository is used for off-site backup and version control of my PhD thesis.

Please refer to the final published version in DTU Orbit:


BibLaTeX citation:

location = {{RISØ}, Roskilde, Denmark},
title = {Minute-Scale Wind Forecasting Using Lidar Inflow Measurements},
url = {https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/minute-scale-wind-forecasting-using-lidar-in%EF%AC%82ow-measurements},
pagetotal = {180},
institution = {Technical University of Denmark},
type = {phdthesis},
author = {Simon, Elliot},
urldate = {2019-03-20},
date = {2019},
doi = {10.11581/dtu:00000054}