
React application to fetch and display stub payments data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React application to fetch and display stub payments data.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

Installs the projects' dependencies.

npm start

Additional Comments

Best Practices Implemented

(Some of these are somewhat undermined by the scale of the app).

  • Component-centric file structure. Files related to a specific component should be kept under a single folder.
  • Decomposition of large components into small components (PaymentsTable.jsx). Ensures that components perform a singular function - its generally easier to manage, test, reuse and create a new small components.
  • Appropriate, concise & descriptive naming and caps-casing of components, variables, app-level constants, props and state.
  • React functional components.
  • Destructuring props.
  • Dynamic rendering with the && operator.
  • Wrapping the rendered output in a fragment, rather than div tags - satisfies React and avoids adding an additional node onto the DOM.
  • try-catch blocks.
  • ES6 features (let/const, arrow functions, Async Await etc).

Scope for further work

  • Props validation and default props with .propTypes & .defaultProps.
  • Unit and component testing with Jest & RTL.
  • Review whether I've been too defensive with nullsafe accessors - some may be redundant/duplicated.
  • Ensure to always use unique keys across the app. Not every array item in the app has a unique id, so I could've (and should've) used an external library like uuidv4 for generating unique ids (see [array].map functions in PaymentsTable.jsx).
  • In app.jsx, the isLoading & isInitialLoad state values are so closely tied that they could likely be combined/consolidated into one value.
  • Split the PaymentTable into 3 seperate components for testability - PaymentsTable, PaymentsTableHeader & PaymentsTableBody.

Other considerations/nice-to-haves

  • Dockerising the application.
  • Implementing a build & test pipeline into the PR process.
  • Environment variables for handling multiple possible API hostnames/endpoints.