
Uses a node-SUBNODE framework to handle a combinatoric explosion of banking options

Primary LanguageJava


Uses a node-subnode framework to handle a combinatoric explosion of banking options Why this is of interest: This type of bot was always an issue because one had to decide whether they wanted their bot to be functionally slow, and quick to code, or be functionally fast but take a long time to code.

This is a solution that I came up with in an effort to show people what I was thinking about in order to handle the changing conditions of the player when they open the bank (something that has a combinatoric number of different possibilities)

It ran very elegantly and while the code is not of professional quality (it was done in typical hobby fashion) this functioned as a proof of concept.

NOTE TO RECRUITERS: This code is far from professional in quality, and the main reason I put it here is so that, over time, I can go back and learn from my miss-steps! The main interesting factor here is that I made this on my own time out of pure interest, and came up with a novel method of accomplishing my goals.