
Demonstration of an issue with Next.js when using basePath and rewrites together.

Based on the Turborepo basic starter, there are two Next.js apps:

These are deployed to Netlify via the Netlify CLI in a GitHub Actions workflow.

The both-latest branch is also deployed to Vercel via its GitHub integration:


pnpm install

# run locally
pnpm dev

# deploy to Netlify
# must set environment variables NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN and NEXT_REWRITE_DOCS_URL
# must edit site IDs in apps/{web,docs}/package.json to match your Netlify sites
pnpm run deploy

The issue

The main branch demonstrates the desired behaviour, where the docs app is served on both and

Using versions:

  • @netlify/plugin-nextjs@4.30.4
  • next@13.4.9
  • netlify-cli@16.1.0 (latest as of writing)

However, the rewrite proxying functionality stops working when upgrading either of the @netlify/plugin-nextjs or next packages to the latest versions.

The plugin-nextjs-latest branch includes an upgrade to @netlify/plugin-nextjs@4.40.1. Open and observe infinite HTTP redirects /docs -> /docs/ -> /docs -> /docs/ -> etc.

Open http://localhost:3000/docs and observe the site loads normally.

The nextjs-latest branch includes an upgrade to next@13.4.19. Open and observe a 404 error.

Open http://localhost:3000/docs and observe the site loads normally.

The both-latest branch includes both upgrades. Open and observe a 404 error.

On Vercel, open and observe infinite HTTP redirects: /docs -> /docs -> /docs -> /docs -> etc.

Open http://localhost:3000/docs and observe the site loads normally.