
Test AMDGPU code generation

Primary LanguageTerraApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


  • device_function: A device function in HIP/Terra, called from a HIP device kernel/host code
  • device_kernel: A device kernel in HIP/Terra, via __hipRegisterFatBinary, called from a HIP host code
  • device_kernel_module: A device kernel in HIP/Terra, via hipModuleLoadData, called from a HIP host code
  • local_memory: A demonstration of local memory, atomics, and barriers, via a simple histogram code


  • device_function: Working
  • device_kernel: Works with the following workarounds:
    • Need to manually modify the host code fatbin to reference device code via:

      @__hip_fatbin = external constant i8, section ".hip_fatbin"

      (And then modify the fatbin wrapper to use this instead of embedding a string.)

  • device_kernel_module: Working
  • local_memory: Working

Crusher Quickstart

source crusher_env.sh
make -C device_function
make -C device_kernel_module
salloc -N 1 -A $PROJECT_ID -t 01:00:00 -p batch
srun device_function/saxpy_hip
srun device_function/saxpy_terra
srun device_kernel_module/saxpy_hip
srun device_kernel_module/saxpy_terra

Documentation Links


The HIP .o file seems to have been produced by a tool called clang-offload-bundler:

$ clang-offload-bundler --list --inputs=test_hip.o --type=o

You can use it to unpack the bundle too. Note that the device file is LLVM bitcode, while the host file is object code. You can compile with the -emit-llvm flag in order to have both be LLVM bitcode.

clang-offload-bundler --unbundle --inputs=test_hip.o --type=o --outputs=test_hip.unbundle_device.bc --targets=hip-amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-gfx90a
clang-offload-bundler --unbundle --inputs=test_hip.o --type=o --outputs=test_hip.unbundle_host.o --targets=host-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

If you do use bitcode, the llvm-dis command is useful to conver this back into textual LLVM IR.

llvm-dis test_hip.unbundle_device.bc

Tracing __hipRegisterFatBinary