Camera for browsing your 3D world in openFrameworks, which 'picks' the xyz position under the cursor, so all your mouse actions are performed relative to that point in 3D space.
- Rotations and zoom are then performed with respect to that xyz position.
- Rotations are performed using a trackball model.
Inspired by Google SketchUp (
Elliot Woods
//in your app .h
ofxGrabCam camera
//in your .cpp
void ofApp::draw() {
//do your 3d drawing
Left click drag = rotate
Right click drag = zoom
hold 'h' whilst left click drag = pan
'r' key = reset
'c' = toggle draw cursor
'u' = toggle fix up vector
MIT License
- We use glReadPixels to read back the depth buffer around the mouse cursor to find the XYZ position
- Reading back the depth buffer happens only when required (e.g. mouse down/dragged, or when you enable the 3D cursor)
- Reading back all the time may reduce your frame rate, so make sure to leave the cursor disabled (default) if you want a higher frame rate.
"this is basically the best thing ever." - kyle mcdonald
"this is absolute crap" - golan levin