
'toggleCursorDrawEnabled': is not a member of 'ofEasyCam'

amygoodchild opened this issue · 7 comments

I'm getting this error in a couple of the examples, such as "exampleWithGui" and "exampleBodyIndexShader".

1>src\ofApp.cpp(88): error C2039: 'toggleCursorDrawEnabled': is not a member of 'ofEasyCam'
1>C:\openFrameworks\libs\openFrameworks\3d\ofEasyCam.h(8): note: see declaration of 'ofEasyCam'
1>src\ofApp.cpp(88): error C2039: '__this': is not a member of 'ofEasyCam'
1>C:\openFrameworks\libs\openFrameworks\3d\ofEasyCam.h(8): note: see declaration of 'ofEasyCam'

This is the bit of code in ofApp.cpp:

//if we press the 'c' key on the World panel, then toggle the camera's cursor. This works best when you fullscreen that panel
	worldView->onKeyboard += [this, worldView] (ofxCvGui::KeyboardArguments & args) {
		if (args.action == ofxCvGui::KeyboardArguments::Action::Pressed && args.key =='c') {

I have ofxCvGui and all the associated addons it asked for linked.

Any ideas on this?

Hi Amy!

I’m sorry that toggleShowWorldCursor is from ofxGrabCam.
You can just remove the lines of code relating to the ‘c’ key if you are using ofEasyCam

Hey Elliot! Thanks so much for the speedy reply.

I did try adding ofxGrabCam to my addons but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I also tried commenting out that section but then I get the following unresolved external symbol errors.

These are the errors:

1>TextField.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall ofxCvGui::Utils::TextField::defocus(void)" (?defocus@TextField@Utils@ofxCvGui@@QAEXXZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall <lambda_9f2538dad2349565f98790bcf0a4fa11>::operator()(class ofxCvGui::MouseArguments &)const " (??R<lambda_9f2538dad2349565f98790bcf0a4fa11>@@QBEXAAVMouseArguments@ofxCvGui@@@Z)
1>TextField.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall ofxCvGui::Utils::TextField::isFocused(void)const " (?isFocused@TextField@Utils@ofxCvGui@@QBE_NXZ) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall <lambda_9f2538dad2349565f98790bcf0a4fa11>::operator()(class ofxCvGui::MouseArguments &)const " (??R<lambda_9f2538dad2349565f98790bcf0a4fa11>@@QBEXAAVMouseArguments@ofxCvGui@@@Z)
1>bin\exampleWithGui_debug.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 22 unresolved externals

Here's an excerpt of how it looks in the error list:

I am not sure if this is related to having removed that section of code or just the next issue on the list. I had some similar errors before but solved them by making sure the link to the ofxKinectForWindows2Lib project and the reference was set up correctly and adding the props file. Is there something else I need to link? Thanks again!

It looks like ofxTextInputField.cpp is missing from the project. Please can you add it somewhere? It's seeing the header, but the symbols are not being built

Hmm, it seems to be there...


And the file exists...


on my laptop now so can seethe screenshot properly :)

please can you try adding ofxAssets to your project?

Hey, thanks again for the help :)

ofxAssets is there already though...


exampleWithGui builds here for me as it is in the GitHub repo.
I've tested against the current master versions of:

Could you test with those?
I've also zipped up all these addons for you at: