
Baxter will erase your whiteboards

Primary LanguagePython


Baxter will erase your whiteboards

Dependencies (aka what we're using for our workstation)

  • Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
  • ROS Indigo Igloo
  • Baxter Research Robot

I will defer to other resources regarding installing the above. I can only guarantee running the steps below will work, granted you are working in Cory 111, UC Berkeley.


In your .bashrc, add the following

  1. source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
    • This runs a ROS-specific configuration script every time you open a new terminal which sets several environment variables that tell the system whre the ROS installation is located.
  2. source /scratch/shared/baxter_ws/devel/setup.bash
    • This allows us to use packages from the Baxter SDK, which in our case located in the /scratch/shared directory.
  3. export ROS_HOSTNAME=$(hostname --short).local
    • Honestly, I'm not entirely sure why we do this. I assume this is so Baxter knows who it's talking to.
  4. export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<Baxter-IP-Address>:11311
    • This is so your RViz can find your robot

Make sure you re-source your .bashrc upon making this changes. Now, onto building the project!


  1. In the root directory, run catkin_make to build the project
  2. "Source devil" as we like to say it, to use the non-built-in package created in this project by running source devel/setup.bash.