
Google Apps Script - Useful resources, libraries, videos and tutorials

Google Apps Script List


Useful sites & blogs

Awesome code & things


  • node-google-apps-script GitHub stars The easiest way to develop Google Apps Script projects
  • gas-local GitHub stars Execute and test your google app scripts locally in node.js
    • gamified_journal GitHub stars Proof of concept of a local development / push toolchain for Google Apps Scripting
  • gas-github GitHub stars Chrome-extension to manage Google Apps Script(GAS) code with github/github enterprise
  • ggsrun GitHub stars This is a CLI tool to execute Google Apps Script (GAS) on a terminal
  • gdrive GitHub stars Google Drive CLI Client
  • MaartenDesnouck/google-apps-script GitHub stars gas, for locally developing Google Apps Script projects
  • gas-shell GitHub stars Starter template to develop locally Google AppsScript project with your prefered code editor (include build and publish as Add-on commands)
  • gas-lib npm NPM package to add code auto-completion for Google AppsScript in your prefered code editor
  • AppsScriptColor (3 700+ users) This Chrome extension provide 2 dark color themes for the google apps script editor. It also allows to use folders to sort your files more cleanly
  • google/clasp Develop Apps Script projects locally
  • apps-script-starter A starter kit for building Google Apps Script projects with modern JavaScript ES6, Webpack, Babel and ESLint inside Visual Studio Code.

Libraries & Modules

Using databases

  • FirebaseApp GitHub stars The Google Apps Script binding for the Firebase Realtime Database
  • oshliaer/alasqlgs GitHub stars AlaSQLGS is a library that enables the use of the AlaSQL.js library in Google Apps Script

ORM (O/RM and O/R mapping tool)

  • Goodel GitHub stars An ORM for Google Apps scripts
  • gs-spreadsheet-manager GitHub stars A slightly more object-oriented, ORM-y, and altogether pleasant way of dealing with Google Spreadsheets when using Google Apps Script
  • Sheetfu GitHub stars An ORM to treat spreadsheet as database tables using Google Apps Scripts.
  • itmammoth/Tamotsu Object-Spreadsheet Mapping for Google Apps Script


  • gas-underscore GitHub stars Underscore for Google Apps Script
  • lodashgs GitHub stars Lodash for Google Apps Script is a library that enables the use of the lodash.js library in Google Apps Script
  • brucemcpherson/cUseful GitHub stars Various dependency free useful functions



Images & Pictures

  • ImgApp GitHub stars This is a library of image tools for Google Apps Script



  • gast GitHub stars Google Apps Script TAP Testing-framework
  • GSUnit is a Google Apps Script based testing framework based on JUnit by Kent Beck and JSUnit by Edward Hieatt. It will allow one to run tests while developing
  • classroomtechtools/modularLibraries.gs/UnitTesting Assertion and unit testing of modular libraries


  • gasl GitHub stars Google Apps Script Logging-framework

Snippets and assorted

