Arduino based analog and digital controller for what ever you want to do, HID, MIDI, etc...
- 40 digital inputs (24 mm OBSC-24 arcade buttons)
- 8 analog inputs (6mm shaft 10K POTs)
- Push buttons (x 40)
- 10K POTs (x 8)
- Wire
- Microcontroller board with at least 1 analog port and 5 digital ports.
- 8x8 74xx4051 mux (x 1 if using a small board) (
base_sb_mux: Base code that works with the smaller Arduino boards (Uno and such). Uses an 8x8 multiplexer.
base_lb: Base code that works with the larger Arduino boards (Mega and such). No mux needed.
midi_serial_sb_mux: Serial MIDI controller version of base_sb_mux.
midi_serial_lb: Serial MIDI controller version of base_lb.
- Schematics for the two main types.
- Update diagrams for default button map.
- Add a Row / Column mapping image.
- Create HID versions.
- Create a hardware debounced versions - will involve a separate CPLD project done in Verilog (
- Maybe move the mapping into their own file?