
A leetcode Seminar & lecture

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is LeapCode

LeapCode is an online meeting to help you gain a better understanding of Data Structure and Algorithms.

Why it is a fit for you?

The activity benefits those who:

  1. Intends to pass the interview of Software Engineers in U.S by cracking leetcode
  2. Would like to increase the understanding of Data Structure and Algorithms.

How does the meeting hold?

Location: online meeting Time: 10am-11am(CST) on each Saturday Platform: using shared screen and whiteboard in Zoom(linux/Mac/Windows)

For participants:

We believe in two creeds:

  1. Questions are more important than answers: thousands of answers rot in the world, only to wait for a good question
  2. Discussion is more important than lecturing

You will join in the meeting, and try to gain a better undetstanding of the leetcode problems by ✧ Participating in discussions ✧ Speaking your thoughts and design of the algorithm ✧ Asking inspiring questions ✧ Answering well-designed questions from the instructor

For the instructor:

You are the instructor, so fell free to choose the way you like to hold the meeting. Some suggestions for a better performance:

  1. Prepare some difficult concepts to discuss, in order to gain a better understanding of the algorithm.
  2. Prepare some inspiring questions(suggest: more then 2 questions) to ask participants.

For the host:

  1. Notice the activity duration should be 1 hour to 1.5 hour
  2. The important part is discussion and inspiring questions, so you need to control the time.

Meeting Process

Instructor decide how to discuss and the meeting process. Normally, we will conduct the meeting in the following process:

  1. Self-introduction for new participants.
  2. Participants discuss the design and implementation of the algorithm
  3. Instructor gives some hint. Talking about some difficult concepts in the data structure.
  4. Instructor ask some question to invoke the discussion

Common Question & Answer:

  1. Will I solve the leetcode problems during the online meeting? It is up to you, the instuctor will ask you some questions, and we recommend you answer the question and join the discussion. But you can choose not to if it is not convenient to you.

  2. I am not available at 10am on Saturday, can I join in? Yes, We can nogotiate a time slot for new participants. Until now(29th Feb) we have 5 active partipants in the meeting. Since the number of participants in the meeting will be no more than 6 people, it will be helpful to hold another meeting consisting of other 6 participants and the meeting will be held in another time, like 8pm on Wednesday or 10am on Sunday.

  3. What is the regular time of the meeting? 10 am on each Saturday.

  4. How will the meeting be held? You need to download Zoom. We will use whiteboard and shared screen in the meeting. What is more, we recommend you open your camera to attend the meeting.

  5. Can I join in the activity as instructor? Of course, feel free to contact host and you will prepare a lecture to participants

Where does the topic come from?

From Leetcode interview topic, you can have a look at: https://leetcode-cn.com/problemset/lcof/