
Fork of the amazing soft era theme by Audrey Moon

MIT LicenseMIT

~ soft era ~

syntax theme for VS Code

Fork of the amazing soft era theme by Audrey Moon

soft era syntax theme screenshot

  a soft, warm, low contrast theme,
  with pastel accents that are easy on your eyes

  make stuff and learn.
  make the world your kinda place.
  take care of the people around you




  • In the VS Code application, go to Extensions
    • (the square icon on the sidebar, or View > Extensions)
  • Search for soft era
  • Click the Install button


  • After installing this theme, click the blue Reload button (or quit and re-launch the editor).
  • Go to Preferences > Color Theme
  • Select soft era from the list of installed themes

Enabling Italics


soft era syntax with italics enabled

  • To configure VS Code to support italic styles add the code below to your config file in your workspace settings.
    • 🍎 Mac OSX: Code > Preferences > Settings
    • 🔲 Windows / 🐧 Linux: File > Preferences > Settings
    • Then, click the {} button to open the settings json file
      • (this button moves around a lot, currently it's in line with the editor tabs)
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
  "textMateRules": [
      "name": "Comment",
      "scope": [
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "Keyword, Storage",
      "scope": [
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic"
      "name": "Keyword Control",
      "scope": [
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic"
      "scope": "entity.other.attribute-name",
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "entity.name.method.js",
      "scope": [
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "Language methods",
      "scope": [
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "HTML Attributes",
      "scope": [
        "text.html.basic entity.other.attribute-name.html",
        "text.html.basic entity.other.attribute-name"
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "Decorators",
      "scope": [
        "tag.decorator.js entity.name.tag.js",
        "tag.decorator.js punctuation.definition.tag.js"
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "ES7 Bind Operator",
      "scope": [
        "source.js constant.other.object.key.js string.unquoted.label.js"
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "Markup - Italic",
      "scope": [
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",
      "name": "Markup - Bold-Italic",
      "scope": [
        "markup.bold markup.italic",
        "markup.italic markup.bold",
        "markup.quote markup.bold",
        "markup.bold markup.italic string",
        "markup.italic markup.bold string",
        "markup.quote markup.bold string"
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "bold",
      "name": "Markup - Quote",
      "scope": [
      "settings": {
        "fontStyle": "italic",

Bracket colorizers

Example nice config for a bracket colorizer plugin, like Bracket Pair Colorizer 2

"bracket-pair-colorizer-2.colors": [

💾 enjoy <3


First, install vsce globally if you haven't yet:

npm install -g vsce
  • (vsce is the VS Code extension publishing tool, and will allow you to run local/dev extensions, info here)

Next, git clone this repo (or your fork of it) into:

  • 🍎 Mac OSX: ~/.vscode/extensions/
  • 🔲 Windows: C:\Users\[username]\.vscode\extensions
  • 🐧 Linux: $HOME/.vscode/extensions

// README TODO: what to do here if the theme doesn't show up at this point? something also changed recently with VS Code extensions…


(note: current repo version has significant visual changes from the version on the VS Code Extensions Marketplace! want to get things feelig solid/done before pushing the next big update)

  • rearrange code so that like elements are near each other, (like all UI shell background colors are next to each other), making it easy to modify chunks that are supposed to appear the same/related.
  • markdown highlighting: sync with other styles (like quotes matching strings, etc
  • sidebar background / overall UI shell appearance:
    • use a more manilla-colored background to match the editor and panel background color?
    • make the cool tones more purple/lavendar?
    • adjust contrast of type?
  • verify that menu.* items refer to windows file/etc buttongs
  • what breadcrumb text color makes sense in the contextual color meaning system? similar to whitespace character color? a purple indicating current place?
  • establish new "error" red?
  • object literal highlight color?
  • git diff sytling—make more legible?
  • extentions

Happy to hear any input <3

💖 @lovemecomputer_ on twitter