
javascript library for roguelike game development

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A javaScript library for rogue-like game development.

The Polish word for a 'croissant' is 'rogalik' which is also - understandably - a slang word for Roguelike games

Croissant requires jQuery and will most probably require underscore.js at some point

What do we have so far:

  • ###Canvas initialization

    Meet the Croissant.CanvasStack class.

    new CanvasStack( div_selector, number_of_tiles, layer_names_array )

    • div_selector - The output of random room generation algorithms is supposed to be displayed in a HTML5 Canvas element. You do NOT, however, create a canvas element for Croissant to do it's magic. You just give it a div with fixed width and height values and then you pass it's selector to Croissant's CanvasStack constructor.

    • number_of_tiles - How many tiles is the canvas supposed to display. You can pass a single int, which will be used as both horizontal and vertical tile number, or you can pass a two int array if you plan on displaying in an irregular (not square) canvas.

    • layer_names_array - An array of strings representing layer names. Croissant will create a separate Croissant.Canvas object for each, so you can have a multi-layered picture.


    Define a div element for Croissant's CanvasStack to move in.


    <div id="cro" style="width: 420px; height: 420px;"></div>

    To initialize a 32x32 tile canvas, with two layers, call the following:

    c = new Croissant.CanvasStack( $('#cro'), 32, ['layer1','the_layer_two'] )

    You can grab a specific layer and draw a grid on it:


    And you can clear it:


    You can also just hide it for the time being, by getting the actual canvas:


  • ###A level definition

    Meet the Croissant.Level class.

    new Croissant.Level( size )

    size - The number of level's rows and columns. Again, you can pass an int for regular, square levels, or a two-element array for non-regulars.

    Nothing much else to see here.

  • ###BSP room generation

    Meet the Croissant.Generators.BSP class

    bsp = new Croissant.Generators.BSP.generate( level, min_room_size )

    ...which does not have a constructor, it only has a static method to generate a series of random-sized, rectangular rooms (more like room outlines) using a BSP algorithm.

    There's a good depiction of BSP's room-generation basics on Roguebasin's development database, if you don't know how it works.

    level - Croissant.Level object.

    min_room_size - The smallest allowed room for the generator. Again it takes an int or an [int, int] array.

##Let's do something fun:

  1. create a div element for Croissant
> \<div id="cro" style="width: 420px; height: 420px;">\</div>
  1. Initialize a CanvasStack inside of it:
> stack = new Croissant.CanvasStack( $('#cro'), 32, ['rooms'] )
  1. Create a Level
> level = new Croissant.Level( 32 )
  1. Run a BSP generation algorithm and get an array of room definitions in return
> rooms = new Croissant.Generators.BSP.generate( level, [5,5] )
  1. Draw the room outlines on a Canvas layer
> stack.layers.rooms.draw_rooms( rooms )