
a terraform template for a minimalistic EC2 setup with SSM enabled

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Terraform template for a for a minimalistic EC2 setup with SSM enabled


With terraform installed and configured, simply do:

  1. terraform init
  2. terraform apply
  3. When prompted - pass the naming convention for created reources (i.e. "foo" for creating a "foo EC2" instance and a "foo-role" role).
  4. ...
  5. terraform destroy – don't forget to clean up after you're done experimenting.

If your AWS profile and credentials are set up to use an admin (or another IAM role with sufficient permissions to create and configure resources), then you won't be needing any changes in the code.

Moreover, with properly set up ~/.aws/profile and ~/.aws/credentials you should also be able to simply

aws ssm start-session --target i-0aabbcc9876543210

where i-0aabbcc9876543210 of course is the EC2 instance's identifier.